Think Of One Quality or Skill You Have


Has a frog in the family
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Not sure if that's a skill, or just something life taught me the hard way, but I am really good getting under people's skin, and in no time have them do anything I want. It's like a magic, and it works pretty much every single time.
This probably is a bad trait, but it's also something kept me alive through the years.
that's actually a good trait if you don't use I for evil *dance1
Not sure if that's a skill, or just something life taught me the hard way, but I am really good getting under people's skin, and in no time have them do anything I want. It's like a magic, and it works pretty much every single time.
This probably is a bad trait, but it's also something kept me alive through the years.
Sometimes it's impossible not to... Some people are simply asking for it. It takes some effort with them but once I'm there they're totally screwed 😂
This sounds like a bad trait to me

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