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This house is full of spiders

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SF Pro
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If I were to list my greatest fears in order, aside from the obvious (varying flavours of death), it would go something like this:

1) Needles
2) Heights
3) Spiders

So, I have made some headway on heights, I took up climbing in university which helped me go from "PLEASE NO! LET ME DOWN! PLEASE!" to "... i dont like this :("and I have mostly conquered spiders, but it is still an unpleasant jolt to see one unexpectedly, but once I have seen it, and there isnt any chance its gonna start crawling on me unexpectedly I'm good. So, generally, I see a spider, its *Jump, calm, then busy myself either ignoring it or getting rid of it. Still, after the above, I think you understand my relationship with spiders. I will be a man about them, but I dont like being confronted with them unexpectedly, so context over, on with the point.

I have had to move back into my dad's house temporarily (couldnt flat hunt during a lockdown so needed a place to live after my lease ran out) but its been laying vacant for 6 months, my dad has been living at his girlfriends waiting out Covid, and in that time, the damned spiders, which were always kinda numerous here, have become fucking omnipresent! In the 5 hours since I got home from work, I have had a 12cm Giant House Spider (yes it has "Giant" in the name) fall out of my laundry when putting it in the washing machine, another one crawl up the wall on the stairs, 3 common garden spiders were hanging around on the front door (2 outside, 1 inside), and i found 2 false widows, one in the bathtub, and another fell from the damned ceiling. I am sleeping in my brother's old room because my old room has so many spiders in it its unreal, no matter how much raid I use and how many i kill or throw out there are ALWAYS more, and my brother's bedroom is the only room the spiders dont seem to venture into.... much.

I get rid of something like 5-10 spiders a day in this house (more on the weekend when I spend more time inside), and they keep coming back, and they are enormous, and now some are venomous (the false widow is a new addition to the population). Normally having the run of a semi detached house all to yourself within the M25 is a blessing, but at over 90 minutes from work and CRAWLING with spiders, I am really hating living here.


Has a monkey as a friend
Safety & Support
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If I were to list my greatest fears in order, aside from the obvious (varying flavours of death), it would go something like this:

1) Needles
2) Heights
3) Spiders

So, I have made some headway on heights, I took up climbing in university which helped me go from "PLEASE NO! LET ME DOWN! PLEASE!" to "... i dont like this :("and I have mostly conquered spiders, but it is still an unpleasant jolt to see one unexpectedly, but once I have seen it, and there isnt any chance its gonna start crawling on me unexpectedly I'm good. So, generally, I see a spider, its *Jump, calm, then busy myself either ignoring it or getting rid of it. Still, after the above, I think you understand my relationship with spiders. I will be a man about them, but I dont like being confronted with them unexpectedly, so context over, on with the point.

I have had to move back into my dad's house temporarily (couldnt flat hunt during a lockdown so needed a place to live after my lease ran out) but its been laying vacant for 6 months, my dad has been living at his girlfriends waiting out Covid, and in that time, the damned spiders, which were always kinda numerous here, have become fucking omnipresent! In the 5 hours since I got home from work, I have had a 12cm Giant House Spider (yes it has "Giant" in the name) fall out of my laundry when putting it in the washing machine, another one crawl up the wall on the stairs, 3 common garden spiders were hanging around on the front door (2 outside, 1 inside), and i found 2 false widows, one in the bathtub, and another fell from the damned ceiling. I am sleeping in my brother's old room because my old room has so many spiders in it its unreal, no matter how much raid I use and how many i kill or throw out there are ALWAYS more, and my brother's bedroom is the only room the spiders dont seem to venture into.... much.

I get rid of something like 5-10 spiders a day in this house (more on the weekend when I spend more time inside), and they keep coming back, and they are enormous, and now some are venomous (the false widow is a new addition to the population). Normally having the run of a semi detached house all to yourself within the M25 is a blessing, but at over 90 minutes from work and CRAWLING with spiders, I am really hating living here.
you have the same 3 fears i have. heights : i can climb a tall ladder no problem but if i get off which is difficult i freeze trying to get back on. needles, i hate needles. and as for spiders i don't man up. i'm petrified of spiders. i've had that phobia all my life lol. stay in your brothers room and get more aggressive with those spiders....mike...*hug*shake


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Dante, I’m feeling creepy-crawly just reading that. No idea if this is done where you live, but maybe an exterminator is in order? There are some pesticides that are not harmful to people or pets, just to the pests. Might be worth looking into.


Well-Known Member
If I were to list my greatest fears in order, aside from the obvious (varying flavours of death), it would go something like this:

1) Needles
2) Heights
3) Spiders
Just be thankful that you're not plagued with the dreaded super-tall spindley needle-leg spiders then.


SF Pro
SF Supporter
If I were to list my greatest fears in order, aside from the obvious (varying flavours of death), it would go something like this:

1) Needles
2) Heights
3) Spiders
Just be thankful that you're not plagued with the dreaded super-tall spindley needle-leg spiders then.
If you mean the "Long Bodied Cellar Spider" I am, I just tune them out because they are by far the LEAST offensive spider in the house, though their numbers have dwindled this year, I think the other spiders are eating them.


Well-Known Member
It always seems there are more spiders when it's colder. Apparently, it's because that's when they come out of their hiding spots to mate. They can be so annoying to remove.

Make sure you keep yourself safe - those false widows can give a nasty bite. Have a great day!


If I were to list my greatest fears in order, aside from the obvious (varying flavours of death), it would go something like this:

1) Needles
2) Heights
3) Spiders

So, I have made some headway on heights, I took up climbing in university which helped me go from "PLEASE NO! LET ME DOWN! PLEASE!" to "... i dont like this :("and I have mostly conquered spiders, but it is still an unpleasant jolt to see one unexpectedly, but once I have seen it, and there isnt any chance its gonna start crawling on me unexpectedly I'm good. So, generally, I see a spider, its *Jump, calm, then busy myself either ignoring it or getting rid of it. Still, after the above, I think you understand my relationship with spiders. I will be a man about them, but I dont like being confronted with them unexpectedly, so context over, on with the point.

I have had to move back into my dad's house temporarily (couldnt flat hunt during a lockdown so needed a place to live after my lease ran out) but its been laying vacant for 6 months, my dad has been living at his girlfriends waiting out Covid, and in that time, the damned spiders, which were always kinda numerous here, have become fucking omnipresent! In the 5 hours since I got home from work, I have had a 12cm Giant House Spider (yes it has "Giant" in the name) fall out of my laundry when putting it in the washing machine, another one crawl up the wall on the stairs, 3 common garden spiders were hanging around on the front door (2 outside, 1 inside), and i found 2 false widows, one in the bathtub, and another fell from the damned ceiling. I am sleeping in my brother's old room because my old room has so many spiders in it its unreal, no matter how much raid I use and how many i kill or throw out there are ALWAYS more, and my brother's bedroom is the only room the spiders dont seem to venture into.... much.

I get rid of something like 5-10 spiders a day in this house (more on the weekend when I spend more time inside), and they keep coming back, and they are enormous, and now some are venomous (the false widow is a new addition to the population). Normally having the run of a semi detached house all to yourself within the M25 is a blessing, but at over 90 minutes from work and CRAWLING with spiders, I am really hating living here.
ME to spider: I told you, you'll get your money. Leave my family out of this
SPIDER: you've got 2days


Well-Known Member
If you mean the "Long Bodied Cellar Spider" I am, I just tune them out because they are by far the LEAST offensive spider in the house, though their numbers have dwindled this year, I think the other spiders are eating them.
No I mean the very high up super spindly needle legged death spider.

I'm sure those are the ones in my house.
I used to be so scared of spiders I wouldn't go into malls at Halloween because of the fake plastic ones. I did have phobia therapy which helped, but I still don't like them.

My suggestion is to get an exterminator in. They can spray the corners and all the places spiders like to hide. It cost me about $150 to have a two-bedroom place sprayed. I only saw one spider in a year and a half after that. It was good for my peace of mind. And all the spiders here are benign. If they had been VENOMOUS I would have spent twice as much to eradicate them!!!!


SF Pro
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No I mean the very high up super spindly needle legged death spider.
UKDude, judging from the name, I am assuming you live in the UK, Im not sure what spider you mean, but no matter how many doom-like adjectives I add, the only spider that pops up with the search term "spindly" in the UK is the cellar spider. do you have a picture?


SF Supporter
Usually, I just wait to swallow them in my sleep! ;) problem solved... advice? Keep a large glass of water by your bedside (to help clear your throat, if you wake in the middle of the night..;)) truthfully, when loving way out in the woods, I just used my shotgun. . . Kidding, of course, I am; only joking 🙃 Tis all I know!


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
My dad doesnt mind them, in fact other's reactions to spiders amuse him, he has stuck little plastic spiders of varying sizes all over the house, to the walls, windows, light fittings...
I’m sorry @Dante, but seriously, I’d just move out if I could. But I think before I left, I’d cut and paste a picture of a spider and put dear old dad’s face on it and pin it above his bed. ;) jk I hope you find a way to live with the various species. *hug


SF Supporter
Also, from what I understand, they’re not that easy to get rid of, depending on where you live (though my parents, who are out in the desert) get their place sprayed like twice a year. . . But I don’t think it is overrun—unless that’s why? I just know where I grew up, it seemed they could find their way through any little crack or crevice! And I was watching this reality tv exterminator show years ago, with this rather wild personality-£ anyway, they got called into a private island 🌴 that a family had inhabited in a tropical paradise, but it had become overrun by, you guessed it... & he and his buddy went there & they basically just sprayed everything down. But as he was leaving or something, the guy goes “I almost never take spider calls cause they’d just so difficult to deal with (maybe meaning they just come back?)
I like @Acy s advice - it’s like poltergeist! ;)


Kangaroo Manager
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Other than Black Widows which show up from time to time and Brown Recluse I let the spiders go and eat other insects. It is much like the constrictor snakes here...go eat the venomous ones.


SF Pro
SF Supporter
Other than Black Widows which show up from time to time and Brown Recluse I let the spiders go and eat other insects. It is much like the constrictor snakes here...go eat the venomous ones.
If there were smaller, less creepy ones sure, and I havent touched a single cellar spider (though they are almost gone now) its just that the Giant House Spider (which is just too big to be comfortable with) and the false widow (which seems to go anywhere including beds and has venom which affects humans) have taken over to almost the exclusion of all other spiders in here. Getting rid of those two species of spider will only help the others.


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness, I wouldn't be too happy living there. I've had hypnotherapy for my fear of spiders and it worked. I used to be terrified but now I would say I'm like you - I get an initial jolt but then I'm OK and I can deal with them (if they are big, small ones I'm totally fine with). That Giant does sound like a problem though. Can you go through the house and try and eliminate them, like in one go? Are there gaps around the house that they are getting in? I just want to give you some assurance though - spiders are always worse in September! It's like they have been growing through the summer and NOW is there time to party! So for a month or two it might be bad but it shouldn't be so bad all year round. At least, that's my experience in the UK. Are you in the US and is it warm and humid?


Well-Known Member
you have the same 3 fears i have. heights : i can climb a tall ladder no problem but if i get off which is difficult i freeze trying to get back on. needles, i hate needles. and as for spiders i don't man up. i'm petrified of spiders. i've had that phobia all my life lol. stay in your brothers room and get more aggressive with those spiders....mike...*hug*shake
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