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This Sucks

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what is the point to this anyway? and frankly who gives a crap? all it is a vicious circle that never frickin' ends. NEVER!!!! everyone has heard of the saying same shit different day. yet people are like hold on to tomorrow you don't know there could be something good. bull shit if there would be. it's like i said before who gives a shit anyways?
what is the point to this anyway? and frankly who gives a crap? all it is a vicious circle that never frickin' ends. NEVER!!!! everyone has heard of the saying same shit different day. yet people are like hold on to tomorrow you don't know there could be something good. bull shit if there would be. it's like i said before who gives a shit anyways?

people in here do care... cause alot of the peoples in here been through that very same circle, including myself... might not be exactly the same circle... but one just like it...

why dont you tell us more..?


Well-Known Member
Well said my friend... though the people here do not take kindly to those words.

People who are lucky get their lives changed accidentally. And guess what not everyone is that lucky.

Well I am just contiuing to go until I finally have the courage to kill myself.
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