This time feels different

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SF Supporter
I'm sorry to hear that you are suicidal but I'm glad you haven't done anything yet. I hope that you will be able to find something to distract you and keep you going. Even if it's just to post here and talk to us. :hugtackles:
I told my best friend I'd visit her on Thursday and stay until Sunday.

I'm torn. Do I visit her? Or do I kill myself?

If I visit her, I know I'll have a good time, but it won't change anything.
If I kill myself, it won't matter that I didn't get to see her one last time.

I keep trying to tell myself there's no hurry to kill myself. Nothing is stopping me doing it next week rather than this week. So why do I feel such a sense of urgency about it?


SF Supporter
You should visit your friend, maybe it will help you feel better. At least it will give you some time away from the plans and thoughts that you have.
Thanks. I think I will go and see her. After all, what's my hurry? I've survived this long already, I can survive a little longer.

On a side note, I decided to get high tonight, and I feel absolutely amazing.
I have decided that tomorrow is the day I finally go through with this. I reached out to my friend, told her almost everything. She had nothing to say, changed the subject. I don't know what I expected anyway.
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