Tonight I feel like screaming


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In 6 weeks my current contract job will end and I have nothing to go to. I am really comfortable at my current position and everyone seems to like and appreciate me. I could stay here for years.

I've been here almost a year and a half. From day one I was promised a permanent position... first it was going to be after 6 months, then a year, and so on. They never intended to make the job I am actually in a permanent position, which is kind of bizarre in itself. I am busy every day and there will be nobody to take over when my contract ends.

The manager who hired me retired in June. At that time he sat down with me and told me about 5 different jobs that would be opening up that I am eligible for. So, one way or another I would have a permanent job soon. Well 2 of the jobs were not really something I would be interested in. So that takes it down to 3. A week or so ago my current manager emailed me a link to a job posting and told me I should apply for it. His boss wanted me to apply for it too. So I did. The next day HR called me and set up an interview with me.

She decided after 2-3 minutes that I didn't have the right skills for the job. She said she would talk to the hiring manager, and then I got a reject email the next day. I do think I could do the job. But I was weeded out. My current manager tried to find out why. It seems like somebody thinks the job is too big for me, so what can I do.

So that leaves 2 jobs which have been vacant since the people left in May and June. So today I emailed the manager for those and I found out that he just posted the jobs. But he moved them to another city across the country. I told him 4 months ago that I was interested and I've been waiting for him to post the jobs all this time.

So now there are 0 jobs for me and my contract is up in 6 weeks. I am sick and tired of being led along like a mule with a carrot in front of its face. I am sick and tired of feeling like this company can't do a simple thing like follow through on a promise. I'm angry. And I need a permanent job. I feel like I've wasted so much time hoping this company would hire me and ended up with nothing.

It hurts.
Sorry to hear that they didn't give you a permanent position. I think it's pretty common for companies to give people the run-around. I wish they could have been a little more straight forward and followed through with some promises.

I'm glad you've had this job for the time you've had it though


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Thanks May. I think there are a lot of well meaning people, including the manager who made the most promises. But the reality is - there are power plays going on at an even higher level which make it impossible for them to follow through on some things. Its hard to believe how bad it is. If an individual worker made lots of promises and didn't follow through, they might lose the job. But employers can say all kinds of shit and then act like they don't remember saying it.


To Wish Impossible Things
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I'm sorry they're giving you the runaround. It seems like a lot of larger companies do this. Like you say, there's often power plays going on at high levels and they never seem to care about the effects it has on their employees. It's not fair and I'm sorry it's happened to you.

But... You were good enough to get that contract in the first place and you've proved your worth in carrying out your role for 18 months. I hope that gives you the confidence to know you can find an equally good (if not better) role within another company. Are you still in contact with your old manager? I'm sure he'd give you an excellent reference.


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Probably some manager's friends or family needed a job. It sucks. I have been in a similar situation.. And then people interviewing you later wonder why you didn't stay at that job. It is more stressful as one gets older.


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Thank you everyone, for responding. I am trying to put this in perspective. I still have a job for 6 weeks, with a vacation in the middle of it. I know that I will probably be able to find something else.
Probably some manager's friends or family needed a job. It sucks. I have been in a similar situation.. And then people interviewing you later wonder why you didn't stay at that job. It is more stressful as one gets older.
Cymbele, I relate to this. At 62 I am an older woman. People make all sorts of assumptions and they do discriminate against age and gender as well as other things. It took me a long time to find this job. I had a totally supportive employer. And then he retired. He sat me down and told me about 5 potential jobs, and said the managers would have "bidding wars" over who gets to hire me. So I saw this as my last job, the one you keep until retirement, which for me is still a long way off.

So I really had my hopes raised and now all the doors are closing with me on the wrong side. I feel angry and sad and hopeless.


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Thanks Petal, that is so nice.

So now, while I am 5 weeks away from unemployment, a huge project got assigned to me. Lots of work on a very short deadline. So I am throwing myself into it. On the off chance that something opens up in the next month or shortly thereafter, I still want to be on good terms.


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I got some news today. This morning one of my colleagues told me that he got another job and he is giving his 2 weeks notice tomorrow. So his position should become available. I wouldn't be experienced enough for his job, but if they move people around it is theoretically possible there would be an opening for me.

That said, his boss is the one who takes forever to replace people and there is no guarantee of anything. But at least its a possibility.

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