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Top 5 / 10 movies

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Well-Known Member
So it's basicly about listing your 5 or 10 favorite movies.

Here are 5 of my favorite movies, not in any order:

Fight Club


Pulp Fiction

Resevoir Dogs

Donnie Darko


here are my 10 favorite movies (in no particular order)

1. Night of the Hunter

2. Jarhead

3. Goonies

4. Pie (the mathematical symbol)

5. Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Series

6. Ghost in the Shell (only anime film i'd watch again.)

7. Bone Collector

8. Usual Suspects

9. From Hell

10. The Quiet Man


Here is my list in no specific order

1. Jarhead

2. Fight Club

3. Batman Begins

4. Boondock Saints

5. Hero

6. Snatch

7. Lord Of War

8. Godfather 1/2

9. I-Robot

10. Sin City


1. We were soldiers
2. Saw
3. The thin red line
4. Stand by me
5. The usual suspects
6. Mean creek
7. Goodfellas
8. The descent
9. A bronx tale
10. Cube


SF Friend
Staff Alumni
To Kill A Mockingbird


A Hard Day's Night



Dr. Zhivago

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Jesus of Nazareth

Twelve Angry Men

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?


The Chalk Garden



Well-Known Member
These are some of the movies I love. I am sure I forgot a whole bunch.

"Le fabuleux déstin d'Amélie Poulain" - Fell in love with it before I had even seen it.

"Save the last dance" - For my dance obsession.

"You've got mail" - Seen it so much and always by accident.

"Cinderella" - I enjoy this classic.

"Sound of music" - Seen it like 100 times... per day / every single day of my childhood.

"Legally blond 1 and 2" - Too stupid to hate.

"Sister act 1 and 2" - I love Woopie.

"Mocking bird don't sing" - Beautiful drama of a true story.

"Identity" - This one is soooo scary and such a thriller that I couldn't stop laughing at a certain point. I swear this one is amazingly good.

"Verlengd weekend" - Great movie of my homecountry and amazing actors play in it, including the best male actor of my country who I will know personnaly very soon. He's my drama teacher's husband.

Well much more of course, can't remember at this moment.


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
1. Ben Hur

2. The Stand

3. Random Harvest

4. The Phantom of Liberty

5. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe

6. King of Kings

7. Quo Vadis

8. Alien and Aliens

9. Spellbound (the Hitchcock one)

10. The Great Escape


Well-Known Member
Walkabout (1971)
Alien (1979)
The Devils Advocate (1997)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Matrix (1999)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
1. Donnie Darko
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Le fabuleux déstin d'Amélie Poulain
4. Trainspotting
5. The Secreatary
6. The Heathers
7. Lost Boys
8. Fight Club
9. Ghost World
10.Breakfast Club
I cant choose, so many movies i like >.<
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