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Waiting for this feeling to pass

My life has no meaning. I have no plan for my future. Everything I have tried since my divorce has failed. I am out of money and out of time. I am in my 40s. In a bad relationship. I was a stay at home mom my entire life and helped my ex with work. I have no skills. I am almost 50. I want to end it all. O hate being a failure and not having the energy to even get out of bed in the morning to shower or brush my teeth. I feel my kids will be better off without me. They will understand. I will leave an explanation. I have thought long and hard about this for over a year and see no way out. I am too tired to try anymore. There is no one who can help me.


Kangaroo Manager
SF Pro
SF Supporter
Hello and welcome here. I feel the same with my life, no direction, no clear path I am controlling other than to have the ability to just stop, whether working or otherwise. I hope you stick around and join in in the hopes you might find advice to help you and possibly offer such to others.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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SF Supporter
Hi and welcome to the forum, I hope you get great benefits from being here.

Not having the energy to get out of the bed in the morning is a classic symptom of depression - at times we don't want to face another day and it just get worse and worse.

NOW is the time to reach out and get help in real life before your situation diminishes even further. You can always up-skill, you're never too old,age does not matter.

What would you like to see yourself doing if you had the right supports in place to help you feel better and improve your quality of life?

Wishing you the best :)


Well-Known Member
My life has no meaning. I have no plan for my future. Everything I have tried since my divorce has failed. I am out of money and out of time. I am in my 40s. In a bad relationship. I was a stay at home mom my entire life and helped my ex with work. I have no skills. I am almost 50. I want to end it all. O hate being a failure and not having the energy to even get out of bed in the morning to shower or brush my teeth. I feel my kids will be better off without me. They will understand. I will leave an explanation. I have thought long and hard about this for over a year and see no way out. I am too tired to try anymore. There is no one who can help me.
Hello. Same feelings. PM anytime


stuck in place yet again
My life has no meaning. I have no plan for my future. Everything I have tried since my divorce has failed. I am out of money and out of time. I am in my 40s. In a bad relationship. I was a stay at home mom my entire life and helped my ex with work. I have no skills. I am almost 50. I want to end it all. O hate being a failure and not having the energy to even get out of bed in the morning to shower or brush my teeth. I feel my kids will be better off without me. They will understand. I will leave an explanation. I have thought long and hard about this for over a year and see no way out. I am too tired to try anymore. There is no one who can help me.
how did u help your ex with work? even proofreading is a job these days, so if that is what you are good at or translating documents feel free to try your hand it. this may get moderated but if it gets too tough to stay this your decision to make and i am nothing but a stranger so i will try my best to help you but worst comes to worst it isn't my place to stop u
What are the ways?
Fixing the root cause, if it can be fixed. Trying some treatment methods, and if the ones you try don't work, trying others. The links in my signature have some information about treatment methods.

A lot of practical issues can be fixed with help from resources. Vocational Rehab can be a good source for employment and free training. 211 is also a good resource, though it's only as good as the resources that back it.

A lot also depends on a persons particular circumstances.

The OP feels too tired to try, which is a big obstacle. I've been there before, and it's a rough position to be in.


Well-Known Member
Fixing the root cause, if it can be fixed. Trying some treatment methods, and if the ones you try don't work, trying others. The links in my signature have some information about treatment methods.

A lot of practical issues can be fixed with help from resources. Vocational Rehab can be a good source for employment and free training. 211 is also a good resource, though it's only as good as the resources that back it.

A lot also depends on a persons particular circumstances.

The OP feels too tired to try, which is a big obstacle. I've been there before, and it's a rough position to be in.
How can they stop the anxiety???
How can they stop the anxiety???
Treatment methods? Well, for example, when I stopped consuming foods and drinks served raw or cold, my anxiety level was reduced dramatically. I also noticed that processed foods that had preservatives like disodium EDTA made my anxiety worse, so I cut those out too. I'm not sure if everyone would get the same level of benefit, but that's a really easy treatment method that's probably worth a try.

There are also other treatment methods in my signature links.

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