Hi my name is Keith im 32 years old and from as long as I can remember I have had this great feeling of not wanting to be on this earth, my life has not been great, lost my dad in a car accident when I was 2 years old and got bullied at school, also did not get on with my stepdad at all, and felt he was very stricked, but I can not put my finger on why I dont want to be here when i have spoke to Dr in the past I have felt that they do not understand and I have seen many DRs, from about the age of 15 I took my first overdose of about 15 parocetamol but nothing happend was abit sick but nothing so anyone could tell what I had done, my family did not speak much and i could not talk to them about my problems at school I use to go home after school and go lie on my bed and sleep, spent most of my school years in my room at night, when I left school I still Felt very aloan and down and that I wish it would end, so I took many more overdoses and was in and out of hospital and my fmaily found out but could not understand why I was doing it, I just felt I had no one to talk to in my family about anything,
after being in hospital for a while I came out and got a new job and was ok for abit, but for some reason it always comes back this time I was dam shore it was going to work, so I got into my car and drove down motorway at about 3am and just kept driving down coming of at the next junction and then driving back what I was trying to do was pluck the courage up to drive my car into the bridge i must have drove up and down that same road 50 times untill I did it but guess what I hit a barrier instead of the bridge, I was hurt abit but not to much, the police came and I just said i was driving abit to fast i dont think the took that in, anyway years down the line im still here and been addicted to a drug called co-codamol and have been for 14 years i take well over 28 a night and im still here so im sure someone is watching over me they must be,,,,thanks keith x
ps sorry about the spellings and grammer lol :unsure: :unsure:
I would like people to get intouch with me that have had the same feelings for most there life and that have found a way to deal with it.
after being in hospital for a while I came out and got a new job and was ok for abit, but for some reason it always comes back this time I was dam shore it was going to work, so I got into my car and drove down motorway at about 3am and just kept driving down coming of at the next junction and then driving back what I was trying to do was pluck the courage up to drive my car into the bridge i must have drove up and down that same road 50 times untill I did it but guess what I hit a barrier instead of the bridge, I was hurt abit but not to much, the police came and I just said i was driving abit to fast i dont think the took that in, anyway years down the line im still here and been addicted to a drug called co-codamol and have been for 14 years i take well over 28 a night and im still here so im sure someone is watching over me they must be,,,,thanks keith x
ps sorry about the spellings and grammer lol :unsure: :unsure:
I would like people to get intouch with me that have had the same feelings for most there life and that have found a way to deal with it.