My mother shot herself to death almost two years ago now. It has been the most awful, horrible, gut wrenching time of my life and that of the rest of our immediate family. I cant stop grieving, I cry all of the time, I search for her when I know I cant find her, I wonder where she is now,,,,,if she is now. It is nonstop 24/7 horror and torment. If she had one clue of how this would devastate her family, I know she would not have done this. She just did not know how much she meant to any of us. I am telling you all now, begging you now,,,, DONT DO IT, DONT DO IT, DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET PAST IT. THERE IS A REASON WHY THIS AWFUL THING CALLED SUICIDE OFTEN REPEATS ITSELF IN FAMILIES, IT IS THE NEVER ENDING GRIEF. YOU CAN ONLY STAND IT FOR SO LONG!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT PUT OTHER PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE THROUGH IT!!