What are your views on the concept of the Age of Aquarius?

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Oh Aquarius, I hope my words weren’t misconstrued.

Krishnamurti; “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

And your name Aquarius feels rather more comforting today as I experience some connection with you. I broke my own rule of posting something on a bad day. And what does anyone really know about karma? I certainly can’t claim to know much. So, please accept my apologies and please keep posting.

Sweet feelings.
Dear zzz - how kind of you to get in touch and tell me! I assure you that there is nothing to forgive and everything to be thankful for, because with your posting you have not only restored my faith in humankind, but also in the people who take part in this Forum. Thanks a million for that!

How right you are with regard to the law of Karma. And no matter what happens to us and our world, we do well never for forget that we can only ever see one side of the picture, because we do not know anyone’s Karma and what kind of lessons a person has come to learn during their present lifetime. But, there is also a law of compensation that rewards all souls for any suffering they have had to endure on the Earth plane.

In our present state, it is impossible to fully appreciate the extent of God’s love that accompanies and aids every soul who is forced through life’s circumstances – because these are the lessons we ourselves have chosen – to go through the very depths of the shadows. Only by wading through these experiences can any soul get to know the great and unconditional love of our Divine Father/Mother. As revealed to us through the parable of the Master who goes in search of every one of his lost sheep, irrelevant of whether we believe in these things or not, none of us will ever be lost. The Master in charge of us eventually takes us on his shoulders and carries us safely home into the world of spirit. No soul is ever left on its own on the Earth plane, especially not in times of suffering and distress. That is when God and the Angels draw particularly close to us, because on the highest levels of life every soul is always loved and cared for, as well as being compensated for its suffering, in the end.

With love and light,


Well-Known Member
Only by wading through these experiences can any soul get to know the great and unconditional love of our Divine Father/Mother. That is when God and the Angels draw particularly close to us, because on the highest levels of life every soul is always loved and cared for, as well as being compensated for its suffering, in the end.

With love and light,
Unconditional love? Like if you don't get save you go to hell? And the only compensation in the end is death.

Luke 19:27 Jesus said, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."

Unconditional love? Where? Can i find it on gps?
What about Heaven and Hell?

'...Unconditional love? Where? Can i find it on gps?
No, dear Infinite Life, I believe that we can only find it inside our own hearts.

And what about Heaven and Hell – are they really places anyone goes to? To me, they represent the various states of consciousness, which we create for ourselves and each other, in the here and now. Because we have freedom of choice, it always has been up to each individual to bring their own ideas of Heaven down to Earth in their daily life. Throughout all lifetimes in physicality we have constantly been searching for experiences that help us expand our consciousness, so that we may finally come home into the knowledge of who and what we truly are and always have been, i.e. eternal beings of light. This search will continue until we have re-gained full consciousness and are once again wholly at one with our Creator and all life.

The experiences of my present lifetime have taught me that Hell on Earth is living without spirituality and without the conscious knowledge of the purpose and meaning of our present existence. However, with the help of the understanding that God is something quite different from what anyone could ever have thought of in past ages, namely that God is in you and me and in everything, I am succeeding in bringing my own small piece of Heaven down to the Earth. And that is something I am willing to happily share with anyone who wishes to enter into my Heaven with me, the way I am doing with you here.

In my view, only through becoming aware of what is at stake, can anyone hope to begin to play their own active part in establishing God’s Kingdom on the Earth. And I rest safely in the knowledge that when we do our best, God and the Angels will do the rest. Because the Universe dreams and acts through human consciousness, to achieve Its highest hopes and ideals, when we seek to bring healing and peace to our world, it will always provide us with everything we shall ever require to do so.

That is the only way it can come about that each one of us in their own right will fulfil their highest potential; all together we shall do so for humankind and the whole of our world and all worlds. Those who are here now and whose inner eyes have opened to their true reality are witnessing its beginnings. It is happening because that is what the Universe wants for us, its beloved children of Earth. Each one is God’s daughter and son, all wrapped into one, and the homecoming of the prodigal son of the Bible is the homecoming of all humankind into the full awareness of the true nature of God and our own.

With love and light,
Living in Polo Mint Societies

'...Krishnamurti; “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ...'
From first hand experience I know that while the earthly self still lacks the inner direction of knowing that this life serves an underlying higher evolutionary purpose, we are like ships without a rudder and an anchor that have no safe haven anywhere to which we can retreat regularly for some rest and to be restored. Human beings cannot live by bread alone; never were wiser words spoken than these. But as long as the earthly self fails to realise the most basic truths of its existence, namely that each one of us is a spirit and soul, who is only temporarily encased in matter, our earthly existence can do nothing but turn into an ever more threatening, hopeless and pointless enterprise. It is not hard to see that in some the temptation of seeking to escape from this terrifying experience gets ever stronger, and how they may start looking towards what – on the surface – looks like a way out, namely suicide.

Statistics reveal that this ‘escape route’ is by now reaching epidemic proportions, especially among the young. At the threshold of the Aquarian Age this is hardly surprising because among the souls that are now coming into this life are a great many highly evolved and therefore extremely sensitive ones. Their earthly selves on their own have no way of knowing that their souls have chosen to live through one of their most difficult experiences ever, and that is having to face and coming to terms with an existence in over-materialistically orientated societies and world.

It seems to me that we have created veritable Polo Mint societies for ourselves, i.e. societies without centres. In case they are unknown in your part of the world, Polo Mints are small round mints with a hole in the middle. In my view, there is no need to get unduly upset about this state of our world, because this too undoubtedly serves a wise higher purpose. Only through the lack of something is it possible for human being to learn how to appreciate its true value, in this case the presence – or absence, as the case may be – of the awareness of the Divine and our inner connectedness with all life. There can be no sadder and more depressing experience the Earth has to offer than plodding through life in this state, maybe for several decades, the way I did.

Scores of people are still in this predicament; yet, eventually the time comes for each one of us when the conditions around us force us into facing up to ourselves and asking a few searching questions about the purpose and meaning of our lives. Many initially turn to a pastime that has become extremely popular these days and that is trying to intellectualise the emotional/spiritual problems of the human psyche. The abundance of books that have been written in this vein and their sales figures speak volumes in themselves.

Superficially, it may well appear that all human problems can be solved by intellectually explaining them away. This approach is so tempting because it looks as if it offered some kind of a quick fix and a shortcut on our soul’s way into enlightenment. True, it is every soul’s birthright to eventually become an enlightened being, but this is not going to come about through spending our time by playing with words. The words themselves are part of the illusion of this world and unless they are followed up by right thoughts and deeds, at best they will count as nothing; at worst they will rebound on us and work against us.

The spiritual pathway is the way back home into the awareness of our true being and the oneness with our Creator. It is a steep and narrow one and to my mind, the only safe way of treading it is by paying attention to our inner teacher or intuition. The only guru in the whole wide world who can be completely trusted and relied upon, and who will never let any one of us down or lead us astray is the living God within, who is waiting to come alive in everybody’s heart. This is the long awaited Great World Teacher, who knows the answers to all the questions we shall ever care to ask, and the only authority in the whole of Creation who can tell us reliable what is right or wrong for us in any given situation.

This is how God is part of us and we are part of God, and truly, truly none of us has anything to fear. We shall always be safe and it is vital to become aware again that no soul has ever had to walk on the Earth alone. Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, the Angels and Masters, as well as other friends and helpers are constantly with each and every one of us. Our Guardian Angel is always there to help us even in the smallest endeavour. It knows when we are ready to find out more about God, ourselves and the world we are living in, so that at the right moment it can guide us towards the right places where we meet the right people.

With love and light,

Kaos General

Well-Known Member
Am i the only one who thinks these posts are long?

And please can someone tell me who Infinite life is?

Me personally i do not believe in religion or anything that has divine being somwhere in the title. If thats what you personally believe then good for you but my opinion on religion is that its a form of brainwashing people into believing something is there after you die. Surely if there was something after death there would be solid and tangible proof.

Yes people intellectually explain away problems because thats what makes the human race so wonderful, we have intelligence. And i shall take my intelligence and free will to believe that there is no god or divine being until you can show me otherwise


Well-Known Member
Am i the only one who thinks these posts are long?

And please can someone tell me who Infinite life is?

Me personally i do not believe in religion or anything that has divine being somwhere in the title. If thats what you personally believe then good for you but my opinion on religion is that its a form of brainwashing people into believing something is there after you die. Surely if there was something after death there would be solid and tangible proof.

Yes people intellectually explain away problems because thats what makes the human race so wonderful, we have intelligence. And i shall take my intelligence and free will to believe that there is no god or divine being until you can show me otherwise
You obviously never heard of Raptor Jesus
He went extinct for our sins. :(
All religions will eventually go from our world

'...Me personally i do not believe in religion...'
I share your view and believe that in the New Age all religions will go from our world, because there will eventually no longer be any need for them. Considering how much misery and suffering they have brought into our world and still are doing to this day, there is every reason to rejoice.

With love and light,
The essence of our being is sprit and soul, immortal and cannot die.

'...Yes people intellectually explain away problems because thats what makes the human race so wonderful, we have intelligence. And i shall take my intelligence and free will to believe that there is no god or divine being until you can show me otherwise.'
I share that view with you, too. But, who do you believe you truly are and what is going to happen to you when you pass from the material plane of life? Snuffed out like a candle? That's what many would love and for a very long time I was one of them. Why? Because things would be so incredibly simple then. But, the way I understand this life now is that this is not going to happen, because the essence of our being is spirit and soul, part of the Divine - that hated word of yours - and therefore immortal - infinite, if you prefer that word - and cannot die.

With love - Aquarius​


Well-Known Member
Science has let simians control robotic arms with their mind, wipe smallpox from the Earth and do computations with a single molecule, and yet this world simply isn't enough for some people still...

Carl Sagan said:
I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking.
The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.
That's as good a definition of it as I've ever come across. Yet, to put it in simpler terms: it is the way that has no beginning - it has no end - it just goes on and on and on ... and will forever do so.

With love - Aquarius​


Well-Known Member
What are your views this concept?
TBH it's absolutely nothing. People want to see a pattern where there is no pattern and meaning where there is emptiness and that's what it is really about. The desire for purpose leads people to find purpose whether it is there or not. The part of yourself that tries to find patterns and relationships is simply over doing itself.

I envy your optimism and excitement over this topic but I pity your thought process.


Well-Known Member
That's as good a definition of it as I've ever come across. Yet, to put it in simpler terms: it is the way that has no beginning - it has no end - it just goes on and on and on ... and will forever do so.

With love - Aquarius​
What you did right there flies in the face of what the Tao Te Ching said.
What you did right there flies in the face of what the Tao Te Ching said.
I don't think so! You asked for a definition of Infinite and that, to me, means Eternity. The Tao Te Ching talks about Eternity, too. It needs bearing in mind that we all have an at least slightly different perception of things. For example, to put it into Woody Allen's words: 'Eternity is very long - especially at the end.' Hmmm...

With love - Aquarius​


Well-Known Member
The little excerpt shows us what Taoists believe, and it happens to be the same thing the Hindus and Buddhists have a penchant for: If you can talk about it, it is far too simple to be a universal truth.
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