Re: What causes people to sexually assault?..
I am stuck on this debate. If a person has thoughts of raping or molesting, they should not be thought of as a disgusting person, they should be shown compassion. When a person acts on those impulses, then it is different. One of the things that make human beings the most superior of all life on this planet is our ability to have control over our impulses. I believe that all humans can control any impulses they have. Some just choose not too. That is what makes a bad person a bad person. If a person thinks about molesting a child he is not a bad person for having those thoughts. When that person acts on those thoughts, they are then a bad person and deserve very little compassion if any in my opinion. I agree, once a person begins to act on impulses of molestation or rape, they should be put to death pending a guilty verdict, at very least life in prison as not to create more victims.
As for why a person does it. I think mostly, not always, but mostly rape is about power. Having that kind of control over anther human being is powerful enough that some people choose to satisfy their impulses for that desire instead of control them. I think most molesters were probably molested themselves. I think they may do it to other children out of revenge for what happened to them or because their minds never developed sexually past the period they were molested, so they remain sexually attracted to other children who are around the age they were when they were molested. These doesn't mean that all children who were molested become molestors themselves, this would depend on many other circumstances in the childs development. They choose to satisfy there impulses instead of choosing not too. I think that rapists and molesters know that what they are doing is wrong; they just choose not to care. This is what makes a bad person, one who knows what they do is wrong, but doesn't care. Granted, I'm sure there are cases where people do not understand right from wrong and thing that rape is appropriate sexual behavior, but in general this is not the case.
Although I believe that a sexual predator can be rehabilitated, this can't happen in all cases and there is no way to tell how effective their rehabilitation was, so therefore for the publics safety, I believe that all sexual predators proven guilty should be put to death, or at very least life in prison with no parole.
These are just my opinions, and I am sure there are many other reasonable explinations up for debate.