Ideas & Opinions What do you think of this kind of therapy??


My Toughest Problem Has Been Solved.
SF Supporter
What do you think of this kind of bizarre therapy?
Hasan Riza Gunay, known as Turkey's one and only stress coach, has a unique method for easing his clients' angst: He lets them hit him (and he doesn't hit back), Oddity Central reported.
After a decade in the business, though, Gunay is ready to train someone to take his place.
"Most of my clients suffer from depression or panic attacks," he said. "I would like to train other potentially interested people and hand over my gloves to the new generation."
Gunay said around 70% of his clients are women whose strength is equivalent to that of boys 12 to 14 years old, so he doesn't worry about getting hurt. And he wears protective gear, sometimes accompanied by a photo of the person the client is angry at.
What do you think of that kind of bizarre therapy?
It sounds weird. Doesn't sound fun for Gunay.

Maybe the client find it cathartic, but at the same time it might also train people to take out their anger on inappropriate targets.


Retired Cat Staff
SF Supporter
Sounds most odd. I know there are places you can pay to smash things, but this is a whole new level. I doubt it's on the NHS list of evidence-based therapeutic interventions!


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
I think it promotes violence as a release for anger. Not what the world really needs right now. I can see how it could “feel” better for a minute or two for the client. The drawback is that our brains tend to create neural pathways and this method for releasing anger is not always a good/safe/appropriate/grown up option. There are many other ways to express and release anger that do not involve “destructive” means.

Hasan Riza Gunay is probably well intentioned, but I think encouraging violence in any way is actually irresponsible.


SF Supporter
I think it can have it’s place, I imagine for those people who feel anxious and timid and powerless it could be empowering but it would be best done in conjunction with a talking based therapy session and not long term.

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