What is a healthy amount of physical exercise?


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Whatever feels comfortable to you. My nutritionist told me 30 minutes per day, then she said if it was only a few times a week that's fine too. She said walking is just as good as anything else so I stick to that because it's what I can tolerate.


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Did your nutritionist have any other tips besides that?
I think one thing that's helpful is about eating within a 30 minute time window because insulin dumps after you begin to eat... then if you are still eating 30 minutes later it gets weird and decides you are over eating and dumps again. You want to avoid the 2nd cycle of the insulin releasing so limiting how long you are actually eating for is helpful. Sit, chat, drink water, etc but stop the actual eating within the 30 minute time frame.

Sassy Cat

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I think one thing that's helpful is about eating within a 30 minute time window because insulin dumps after you begin to eat... then if you are still eating 30 minutes later it gets weird and decides you are over eating and dumps again. You want to avoid the 2nd cycle of the insulin releasing so limiting how long you are actually eating for is helpful. Sit, chat, drink water, etc but stop the actual eating within the 30 minute time frame.
Wow I have always been told that you should eat slowly


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Wow I have always been told that you should eat slowly
You'd be surprised how slowly you're eating to finish in 30 minutes. It's really not very fast (for most people. I happen to be the slowest eater on the planet myself but that's another story). Most people finish eating from start to finish casually in closer to 20 minutes.
It depends on an individual's fitness levels etc really. I find I get chest pains if I do too much so I only do moderate walking for now.. the dr says i have costochondritis. I don't think I would personally manage an hour! I think cycling, walking and swimming are good. Make sure not to over exert yourself, especially if you don't sleep too well as this can put added pressure on the heart. Get plenty of rest in between the exercise and also don't take too much water, keep hydrated but watch as too much you can actually get hyponatremia and it can also water down your nutrients. I'm not saying don't drink, just don't have way too much! And eat plenty green veggies ;):)
I totally agree with you.

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