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what is in your chocolate advent calendar?

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To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
I don't have one (maybe I'll buy myself one) but I bought my daughter a Lindt one - she had a reindeer and I was very envious!


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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Got a reindeer yesterday, and today I think it was meant to be a Christmas present. :p


Pink Sponge Winter Queen 💖🧽⭐️👑
We've had a felt one that we've reused for the last several years. We put a small chocolate in each pocket so it can be whatever we want as long as it fits in the pocket. This year my mom got some Lindt candy things so that's what's in ours. They are very yummy I love them a lot :)



✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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I wanted a certain beauty one but wouldn't pay the crazy high price for it :D I didn't honestly know adults used chocolate advent calendars, thought they were only for kids... *shh*halo


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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SF Supporter
I'm disappointed, got another reindeer today. I thought they'd all be unique. :p

I wanted a certain beauty one but wouldn't pay the crazy high price for it :D I didn't honestly know adults used chocolate advent calendars, thought they were only for kids... *shh*halo
How can a grownup mature adult refuse some chocolate?! Isn't it like a foundational rule of life? "Thou shalt not refuse the opportunity to feast upon Chocolate."
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