What is your best dream ever?

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Well-Known Member
My best dream? Well, it was a dream where I met someone I was fond of who had passed away from a car accident. And it was a pretty long dream compared to my usual dreams. My dream played out a scene where I distracted her for a few minutes and when she left the room, she lived because of the timing. Then, I talked to her more and more as the days "went on".

My heart soared when I saw her and when I woke up, well I was obviously torn and wanted to go back to sleep, to my dreamland. Unfortunately/ fortunately i've only dreamt this dream once.

And that's my best dream.
When I was a kid I used to have what felt like long, epic fantasy dreams. At the end I could hear all this swelling music and it felt like a big credits sequence. Those were pretty great. It's a shame I can't remember anything except the feeling.


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I married this girl I made up in my mind. No girl could be more perfect than the one I've created for myself. At least she can live on in my songs and art!
the one i had last night was left a sweet taste to wake up to, i was with my fiance, and i woke up with a feeling of relief, as if being with him even in the dream had comforted me, and it had. today was a much better day than most, im glad.
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