What time do you usually go to bed at?

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Well-Known Member
Usually between 2 and 4 am, even if I stayed up the day before in hope that I could go to bed earlier.

My focus now is to be able to sleep a good 8 hours. My sleep situation is a total mess.


Well-Known Member
No set time cant sleep anyway havnt slept in a bed for while so never been comfortable and cant stop the brain from ticking over


Well-Known Member
I sleep when I feel like it, so I don't have a set time. I prefer to sleep during the day, and stay up all night, but sometimes my body decides that it won't have that. Last week I woke up early each day, and went to bed at a "normal" time. And now it's changed again. Yesterday I went to bed at 3 PM and woke up at 11 PM, so I will probably go to bed around 12 PM today.

My sleeping pattern is weird, and I've tried everything, but it seems like it's impossible to do anything about it. It's out of my control. Strange body. Strange brain. But I'm happy as long as I get enough sleep! :robin:


Well-Known Member
i get nightmares that would make freddie kruger seem bland hence i avoid it til i'm exhausted sometimes i don't sleep for a day or two and then end up over tired and unable to sleep and dazed

so between 1am and 5am if i'm lucky........


Well-Known Member
I try not to stay up past 3A.M. but sometimes I stay up till 4A.M. I take night classes though so I can sleep in. I'll be getting a new job soon though so I won't be able to stay up like this anymore.
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