What time is it and what are you doing?


SF Supporter
It’s a quarter past 10.10 (though not in the a.m.)! ;) & I think I forgot what I was going to say... shoot— oh, yeah..:D is decompressing my lumbar spine: ? How could I forget!! ;D !! ( ;


SF Supporter
It is August, the something or other, on this beautiful? Bright’ sunny day in Newu York welcome 🙏 to Manhattan... & I hope that u & you’re are truly enjoying the time home alone to-gether; even though, as you or / -& I; we all know, there’s no such thing as “social distancing,” in New York!! ;) And where do we begin wit da Mets? Okay 9... you wanna talk ‘bout a n idiotic , overblown, clown-ish 🤡 franchise, that is run by. A pack o’ wild 😜 basking lunatics ? Let’s just for get dem, und git on wit da Yankees alright! Cuz, dats all anybody cared ta talk bout in dis town, m’kay? We all know dis, all right?! It’s no secret-/ this is a one-team town; in a one-sport city, o.k.?!? I mean, r u serious!?. Let’s get real, what r u talk in’ bout here. Da knicks! Da knicks can’t get outta der owan way, fur cripes sake’s!!;) oh, god & don’t even get me started on da Jets! Dey might be da most jokish da buggezt jokesters in dis place! Da jets. Look at der ownar!’ Just look at em! Woild ju? For crying out loud— don’t come at me wit da jets? It’s too darn early in da day for dat schtuff!!!! Back aftur dus—->


SF Supporter
And I don’t watch da hockey gamez, alright, cuz yous knowza; a’rigjt? I m like a dahktur - or a lowyuhr - in wat I du.... I’m dat good; I’m a professional, dah best datz Eva dun it, ogay? Can we get dat settled? Pweazeq! And thank you 🙏 tanks fur dat, alright...;) now, my kids watch d a rangurs; don’t ask me how dat happund m’kay! It waznt me, alright? But yeah, Dey luv d a rangurs, de ilsandurs , ul right?!;) I dunt unduhrstand, it okay 👌 but it iz wat it is, o-kay !!! Go d love ‘me I cherish doz kids, deyre everyting to me! Jacks goin in ta da fourt grade now, so, you know what datz lik! And oh my god! Da video games dez guys play, da kidz cahn sitz dehr fur dayz endlessly like mindless robots, nobodies & nothingness rambling bumbling zombies a’rigjt; but dats o.k.! I luv dem any way, cuz deyr mine! O’ min


Well-Known Member
4 am and up for the 6th time tonite
Nd itching like crazy , both me and lena have fleas and both of us are getting dipped! (Old term)
Friggin fleas man! Like wtf!
And no I don’t use flea protection on her because they all cause her to have bd reactions so I use natural essential oils and on! I have maybe one flea escapade a year sometimes 2 when the days start to be muggy outside.
And of course I’m the only one being served up on silver platter for the masquerade ball these fleas are planning for my demise.!!!!


Has a frog in the family
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
4 am and up for the 6th time tonite
Nd itching like crazy , both me and lena have fleas and both of us are getting dipped! (Old term)
Friggin fleas man! Like wtf!
And no I don’t use flea protection on her because they all cause her to have bd reactions so I use natural essential oils and on! I have maybe one flea escapade a year sometimes 2 when the days start to be muggy outside.
And of course I’m the only one being served up on silver platter for the masquerade ball these fleas are planning for my demise.!!!!
*huga lot of people are dealing with fleas this year. i couldn't sleep much for a few nights because they're so bad. we usually use a natural spray but it's not up to the task this year so we had to add a flea collar. and one of my dogs is allergic to that thing you put on their back...mike

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