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whats ur favorite movie?

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didnt no if some one started this already are not. if so sorry, but if not tell whats ur favorite movie and why.

mine is IF ONLY, cause you never now when your time is up and that you should use the time you have to be with family and friends.
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I'm not sure if I have one favourite movie, but I love American Beauty. I think Kevin Spacey is fantastic in it and it is really original. I just watched Thirteen the other night, it is so dark. It really is a fantastic film... it def needs a trig warning though!


I like american Beauty, A beautiful mind, thank you for smoking, jerry macquire, the good girl, donnie darkop, chicago, the cell, fight club, schindlers list.These movies would round out my top ten
My favorite movie is Monster.-This was amazingly well done. Its the one where cristi ricci plays a confused lesbian. And charlize theron plays a monster.
My favorire newer movie is Girl Interrupted. It's more in "my" world, so to speak. And I like Beaches, Erin Brocovich, Borderline, Plain Truth, Bless The Child, Hife And Seek, Rebecca, Pillow Talk, That touch of mink, Arsenic And An Old lace, Windixie :unsure: ... Harry Potter Movies, Shrek, this new once based on a true event... aboiut the white plague...


Well-Known Member
Have to agree that Erin Brokovich is a good movie but my fave has to be Resident Evil: Apocalypse, I love all kinds of movies though but this one is just so good with the ultimate cutie; Milla Jovovich and her ultimate moves to kill the zombies ^^


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter movies ofcourse, any good horse movie (I have well over 100 horse movies in my collection), and sometimes I'm in the moods for Pirates, Star Trek, or Star Wars.

10 Things I Hate About You! I love that movie :biggrin:
I think my favourites would have to be it, Camp, Just Like Heaven and Sweet Home Alabama. I'm a big fan of Reese Witherspoon, randomly :laugh:
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