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When I grow up....

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What did/do you want to be when you grew/grow up?

I wanted to be Kurt Cobain. :shy: and my name is even close, Kurt Connors.
Except he was KDC I'm KMC.

What about you other ppl?
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(I'm posting way too much tonight lol) but this post is actually really ironic to me because I'm supposed to be writing a two page paper on a career that I might wish to pursue when I graduate... researching colleges, etc.

I've been interested in psychology for a while... even more so now :)


Well-Known Member
I had so many changing dreams when I was growing up. I wanted to ride in the Olympics, be a jet pilot, be a cop. FBI... the list goes on. But mainly I just wanted to be around horses all through it all. And I always enjoyed what I am doing now.



I wanted to become a doctor. But a few years later I found out I wouldn't want to be responsible for other peoples lives and I'm sure not studying to become a doctor now.


i already know what im gunna be, ima be a pyrotechnitian (dont know if i spelt that right) that would be the best job ever lol getting paid to blow stuff up and light fires hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I always wanted to work in hospital in Africa. Unfortunately that can't be now. Right now, part of me longs to do something menial and dull where I just turn up and get told what to do, which requires minimal brain energy! When I was young I always wanted to be a scientist with lots of colourful bubbling test tubes.....


Well-Known Member
I wanted to be a Space man... wait I mean Astronaut.

However i'm working on pursuing on my other child-hood dream... being a Musician-Singer-Songwriter now which is good.
omg I have so many... I wanted to be a writer, a musician, a teacher, nurse... this was all in the space of like... two years haha... and then I had no idea... and now I'm thinking something along the lines of a psychologist/counsellor, but no one in real life is gonna really back that. :unsure:
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