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When your team give up and say they don't know how to help you

Why does it not then make it okay to give up on yourself.......

I'm at a loss of how to help myself that's why I have been asking for support


Firing with all synapses!!
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Boing boing boing...
I also have 3 questions :):)...
Who stands to gain the most if you get through this and come out the end a stronger person?
How many people will you be able to help with your compassion if you survive this harrowing time in your life?
Which season comes directly after winter?

Thinking of you always... :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you're facing this problem Nataya. I think that sometimes, some people just aren't able to be as supportive or as "there" as we need them to be. Everyone has their own problems, and sometimes it might feel overwhelming to be faced with another person's issues. Some people are not built for that type of compassion, but that doesn't reflect upon you. It's not your fault they are like that. And it doesn't give you a pass to give up on yourself either honey. Just because they give up, doesn't mean you do too. That's why there are therapists you can go to to seek help, and so many people here on SF that can offer you support and hopefully a bit of comfort.

Are you seeking professional help? I was so lost until I started talking to my therapist and to people here on SF.

I hope I didn't say anything out of line and hope you feel better soon... *hugggsss*


Well-Known Member
Also you said nothing wrong at all @Acanthi
That's who's stuck and didn't know how to help me any more my local mental health.

I've been in therapy beforey case manager is gonna get back to me once they go to head of office or something.

I found it hard enough to reach out as it was and this time I decided to take the gamble and it turned out bad same as the previous time before.

@cgh0991 nobody has nothing to gain....What do I gain a life of struggle I can't cope with just no thanks.
I have never ever though this way in my life but what the point me helping if it can't be returned I'll just be drained of all my energy
A season that's not hot enough haha:p


SF Supporter
Sorry Na-taya, that's rough. Don't know what to say except that feeling abandoned by your health professionals is horrible. They really should have sought input from another team/head office/national experts first instead of telling you they don't know what to do. How you can trust them or reach out again I'm not sure, but you are worth the effort. Hugs to you.


Well-Known Member
Whaaa?? 10 degrees is plenty warm enough!! :D :p hahaha
not even close

@Deety thanks since november I've been under hospital in the home twice and a step up step down program.
I just..........I never heard back from cm so don't know anything more yet.

I have one spec of sand that inside of me that cares I am so close to no care factor at all like so very close I have to babysit tomorrow then will see if heard from cm


Well-Known Member
Oh no...I'm sorry about that... I'm not what to say... Maybe you'll soon have better luck with another person who can actually cater to your needs. Good luck and take care. *hugggssss*


Well-Known Member
That's okay it's not your fault it's no body's falut I'm not so what I or anyone can say anymore but it was worth a try.
I am safe and okay as I babysit tomorrow and wait to hear more
So exhausted


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<3 you hun. You will be delighted to know I went in to KFC and ordered a diet pepsi lol

But back to you a psych nurse once told me to never give up on yourself no matter what and while it didn't ring true to me at the time it does now. You can never give up on anything that means so much to you, in your case life and everything in and about life. You are a wonderful person. You're amazing. I think I have told you that a million times, please believe it because you are. They may have given up on you but we have not. SF will always be here for you and you can and will get better in time. Is private therapy out of the question?


Well-Known Member
No word from cm
Tomorrow is Friday if I hear nothing before then, then I don't their is no point n asking for anymore help.

I'm really struggling sorry if I seem rude or short I'm just struggling enough to care.
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