Why would my therapist do this?

Madam Mim

Well-Known Member
I've been seeing my counsellor for almost 20 months now and we have a good relationship, although I'm only just able to talk openly about difficult issues. As I see him through my university (one of my conditions of study), I occasionally see him around campus and we ignore each other, as is proper.

However, today after my session I went to the canteen with a friend, and he came and sat right behind me. I didn't see him, so I didn't know he was even there until I left. Is it me, or is this wrong? There were plenty of spaces to sit, and he must have recognised me, even from the back, so what is he playing at? I'm really unnerved by this, as I've only just learned to trust him. What do you think?



Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
He may not have actually seen you.
I often walk about engrossed in my own thoughts, so much so I've actually completely blanked a good friend before now.
i agree

bring it up when you see him next. there could be a reasonable explanation (other than not seeing you, not sure what it could be) but ask him and be sure and tell him how uncomfortable you felt. he'd want to know.

Madam Mim

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your replies. I just can't understand it, but maybe he didn't see me, or maybe just didn't think it through. I'll ask him when I see him next week.


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