A strange hobby which helps me out


Well-Known Member
This may be weird, and to some even rather morbid, but I have sort of an obsession with collecting posts and comments from people around the internet which I find comforting. This may include, for instance, people who have similar problems to mine but come from different backgrounds, which makes me feel less alone; or people who talk about a subject I feel anxious about with an unusual compassion that makes meel reassured. So I have like a library of screenshots saved (don't worry though, most are not from here lol), and every time I feal fearful or rejected I look at them, and it makes me feel better. I suppose this is just a variation of the old hobby of collecting book quotes. I would really recommend you all to do something like that (it doesn't have to be the very specific and weird type of collecting I do), because I think it has the great benefit that it gives you something concrete to hold on to when you need it. Because when you are really depressed you sort of create voices on your own head, and you paint the world in very scary terms using only the standards of your own imagination, so, to counter that, I think it's important to have concrete, real things that serve as solid reminders that empathetic, kind, everyday real people exist out there.


An outcast, forgotten and excluded by society
Yes that is a good strategy
I sometimes feel life is so unfair because i have suffered so much for 6 years and feel like dying every day
Then i read about others in the same position, i am not happy about their struggles but knowing others are going through it makes me feel like we are in the battle together and i feel like we have lots in common

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