
I've been on and off this website for 3 years. Ironically, what brought me here originally in 2015, is just the opposite of my life now.
I've not had much luck with this site but I'll try again.
I got married last year in October, I met this person in a mental hospital where I ended up last July.
My husband has emotionally, verbally, psychologically, financially, and sexually abused me (he only saves physical abuse for his parents).
I'm at a point where it is over, I've warned him that this is the last time I will put up with being yelled at.
I'm 19 years old, my husband is 30, I work 2 jobs, 62 hours a week---about to turn to 70 hours a week, he spends all my money and he sits at home all day watching stuff on YouTube, he has no job.
He's about to go to court again for assault. His brother is threatening to sue him for $20,000.
I have no one, no friends, or family members, most of my family doesnt want anything to do with me because I converted to Islam. I'd like to talk to my sister in law, she doesn't want to talk to me, I've never met my brother in law, he certainly doesn't want to talk to me either. My mother and father in law have been very kind to me, even more so than my parents for the most part, but this is not their problem.
So, I don't know what to do anymore, I go to work, I'm so stressed out, then I come home and I have to walk on eggshells around my husband. I'm extremely depressed, I don't understand what I did to deserve the life I've been forced to endure. Once things are over with him, I think its best if things are over period, my life gets worse every year, I have been told for 9 years of my life that "it will get better, your hard work will pay off" yes, I don't fucking think so at this point.
I'm tired, I'm stressed, I'm severely depressed, I hate my life, I'm in debt, I'm working everyday of my life just to watch most of it disappear in 24 hours, I'm begining to have bad health problems, my life is not getting better, and I really doubt it ever will.
What is the point??


Well-Known Member
I feel sorry for what you are going through. Just think that someone does care about the hurt you feel . Remember you are important and please be safe. Please keep posted and share your feelings. Best wishes and hugs.


SF Supporter
Hi @AngelofPainandMisery

Ugh, that sounds awful :( If you’re having health problems from stress at such a young age something definitely needs to change.

I hope you have a bit more luck getting support here. I joined late last year and have found it really good.

Gypsy x


Active Member
I'm feel sorry for you! And I'm 19years old too! I get what your going through! At a young ate its hard to go through all this. But remember you are loved. And this site is very helpful. I'm new to this but I already feel like I'm important! And don't ever feel like you have nobody to talk too. We are here !. And you deserve to be loved. Hope things turn out good for you soon! Just hang on. Don't loose hope!

Innocent Forever

Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Sending love and light...
Being that this forum isn't for advice, there isn't any that I would give you. just know that we are all here. That you're worth more than someone who uses and abuses you. That there are shelters for women who want to leave their husbands and the shelters provide a place to live and help.
You're worth it. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

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