How fast is too fast to lose weight?


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I would like to ask you a question. I hope you will answer them. So other users also can help you and reply to your post.

1. How many KG's do you want to lose per week?
2. Did you ever use any weight loss method?
3. What is your current weight and height and how many KG's do you want to lose per week?

For me, I recently finished one of the weight loss recipe flat belly tonic for weight loss. I'm 48 years of old. I decided to lose 1KG per week during 10 weeks. So, there are 10 KG's in total. I think you need more times about 1/2 months to get the results.

All the best!
1) Im not thinking about how much I want to lose a week or anything so far, I simply took a look at what I was eating and changed it. Im basically just eating what I intend to keep eating from now on and see what happens, thats why I lost so much weight so quickly at first because I didnt ramp down, I just changed in 1 move.

2) I havent used any weight loss method before, except for keeping myself aware of my weight so I am discouraged from snacking.

3) I am 95kg and 6'1". Im more or less aiming for 85-90kg at most, but honestly as long as I am not flabby I dont care too much what I weigh (as muscle weighs more than fat), I'm just using the numbers on the scale as a motivator for now, and my ever shrinking waist. (Im down a waist size)

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