Just don’t know


Well-Known Member
There is so much going on in my life at the minute, a lot of it seems to be going wrong, I’m finding myself in a spiral of bad luck at the worst time possible. I don’t even have the energy to go into it, I’m so tired. Anxiety, stress and now I’ve stated to feel depressed which I haven’t had for a long time.

I think I just want someone to tell me I’m okay. Just that I’m going to be okay. There’s no one in my life that does that for me anymore, it’s all ‘grow up and deal with it’.

I guess I’m angry too. Self pitying, self hatred. Kinda lost


Well-Known Member
I want to give you some words of encouragement but I'm not sure I believe them myself. Depression, which I also suffer from, has that effect. One day I can see the light, am positive, and know what to do - another day when my depression kicks in I feel like what's the point? The cycle goes on and on.

But what I can tell you is that, even though I've suffered from depression for a very long time, it has gotten a lot easier to deal with now because I've gotten a lot stronger and wiser because of it. All the self hatred, self pitying and rage that I also had and still have to a lesser degree, built me.

It's a slow process, so many ups and downs, but a little bit easier every time. Hardship builds your character and makes you 'see more' if you don't give up. I say this now but I'm not sure I will feel the same way tomorrow. Sometimes I ask myself what's the point of getting stronger and wiser and seeing more if I'm depressed so much, but then I tell myself who says I only live once? But even if I only live once I still feel it was worth it.
There is so much going on in my life at the minute, a lot of it seems to be going wrong, I’m finding myself in a spiral of bad luck at the worst time possible. I don’t even have the energy to go into it, I’m so tired. Anxiety, stress and now I’ve stated to feel depressed which I haven’t had for a long time.

I think I just want someone to tell me I’m okay. Just that I’m going to be okay. There’s no one in my life that does that for me anymore, it’s all ‘grow up and deal with it’.

I guess I’m angry too. Self pitying, self hatred. Kinda lost
I feel exactly the same way. Just know you’re not alone and we can all make it through.

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