My life quality is impacted by this


Well-Known Member
My partner gambles and drinks more than normal... is it a reason to brake up?
Or am I an a hole for thinking this? He loves me and woeks hard... but it makes me sad... i lov e him... but how far will we get like this.
Nothingness woukd be so much easier


✅ Dancer
SF Supporter
There comes a point where it could, or would/should be. . . I'd say the fact that you're beginning to seriously consider it, is something worthy of noting. For that means, it isn't in its infancy stages. And since it may be more advanced, and habitual. This could be a difficult ritual, or addiction(s) - both (of them) - to break (free from). If it's affecting your life greatly, and thus, causing you undue stress & distress. It's a conversation that is worth having, provided that he is unaware of how much it is bothering you. And making you very chronically unhappy.

If you're feeling that, "nothingness" would be an improvement & a welcome relief; then that is a sign & as well as a 'sigh,' for (or that) things probably could be done, and use a little changing for the betterment of both of you going forward. If it is the overall health and functionality of your relationship that is at play, and stake.

Sometimes, when people work hard, they use these two devices, or activities as "crutches." And they can very easily become, over time, out of control. If they don't stay within reason, it isn't long before you find yourself in the situation that you are in. And to get out of it, can be harder than it seems (initially) to someone who is not in the throes of it. Especially if they don't see the problem with it.

They both tend to lend themselves to the sorts of behaviors that get worse, therefore, over time - & not (necessarily) better. And even if they don't in terms of quantity, and that is to say by some measure, or measurement. They could still have a more profound impact, and therefore, effect upon you & thus, the relationship & the quality of your (& his - even if he is in denial) life.
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Some people might end a relationship because their partner has an addiction, others might not. Ultimately you have to decide what you can and should tolerate and what you can't or shouldn't.

Is couples counseling an option? Also, some members have mentioned couples counseling phone apps called "Lasting" and "Paired". They might be worth looking into.

I think there's also a group for families and loved ones of alcoholics called al-anon. They might be very opinionated on the subject of what you should do, but they also would probably have a lot to say.

I hope something can help.

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