things are starting to look up

Welp minus all the bitching I finally did something right. I almost have a girlfriend. I think she really likes me and we've been talking for a little bit. met her off a dating site. maybe things can turn around and I won't end up committing suicide. It's nice knowing someone loves me. hopefully this relationship can be a successful one. But hope is all I can ask for at this time.
Good for you. You met someone and things sound like they are going well. I hope this turns out really well for you! I met some great women online. Eventually I met a great woman online that later turned out to be my wife. It didn't happen right away - but eventually I found her. There were ups and downs along the way. One thing that helped me during my dating years was being a part of a singles ministry at a nearby church. That ministry provided a good group of people that I could relate to and learn from. I grew a lot by being a part of that group. I wish you the best in your new relationship! Try to find a good singles ministry in your area too - it will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to propel your relationship forward. Another good thing is to attend a "Weekend to Remember" marriage seminar - when you find that your relationship is headed for marriage. My wife and I did that. No regrets! Good luck my friend! Prayers for good things to happen!
I hope that this is still going well for you @thatonekid1776 Wishing you all the very best :)
its going okay still. we're still together. Just having trouble with past events that I still can't get over. But I'm just winging it I guess. Because I can't get help for that nor can I help myself so I choose to suffer in silence over things I can't control.


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Congrats and I hope the happiness lasts for you, delighted to hear that things are looking up for you.

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