animal slaughter for products and over population

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Well-Known Member
It's not so much that humans are biologically omnivorous, merely that their bodies are capable of adapting to a wide-assortment of diets: a necessity in the difficult, early periods of our existence. After all, early man wasn't about to pass up a substitute for a vegetarian diet - were sources to become scarce - just because it doesn't sit well with the body. For much of history, humans couldn't enjoy that luxury.

Almost any meat consumption from then to now is likely a result of cultural dissemination; we've had meat for centuries so it's ingrained in us to accept its consumption. However this whole discussion about whether it's 'natural' seems moot to me, given that there is much about humans that is exceptional from our biological and evolutionary precedents (such as the invention of agriculture, which could theoretically be considered an 'abnormal' development given that we are 'naturally' intended to hunt and gather as per other genetic cousins).

Quite frankly, whatever the origins of meat consumption, it's widely known that the less meat you eat (and more plant matter consumed instead) the better it is for your overall health.


Well-Known Member
the titles is pretty explanatory,
doesnt seem like there are many people like me who believe animal slaughter is fucked up in general..
im just curious to see if there is anybody on this site with the same view on the matter.
yea I have been a vegan/vegetarian for over 10 years, United States is currently an evil country, as much of the world

every one would be a vegan/vegeterian if they saw what really goes on and if they saw how awesome and how healthy most vegan food is

problem is the conditioning that the meat industry does to us and here in the diseased united states profits becomes more important then anything else, especially profits of wealthy people

my purpose was to change the world and make it a better place but now I am dead and I am in hell, I dont know what I am going to do


Well-Known Member
I was responding to an illogical assertion you made in -this thread- regarding binocular vision and how -you claim- it represents evidence of a species being a predator. I demonstrated that non-predators, i.e. frugivores, can possess this trait too.

you did not demonstrate that those "frugivores" are indeed frugivores.

I 'can comment' on the obvious fact that there are species that possess binocular vision yet are not predator's because I can see this to be the case merely by observing it in nature.

i observe people eating meat, dogs eating vegetables, harris hawks eating plums, blackbirds eating quail, great tits eating their own offspring, turkey vultures eating banana's. you may well not be looking hard enough.

Fruit bats are 'actually' frugivores, hence the name, -fruit- bat. Do you see? If you were to draw up a -scientific- definition for terms such as frugivore, herbivore, insectivore, carnivore, omnivore, etc, based as it would have to be upon physiological/biochemical commonalities, this is where the fruit bat would be placed, in the category - frugivore. The same as humans as it happens. All arguments claiming that humans 'are' omnivores are based on nothing more substantial than a basic obfuscation/misrepresentation of the terms 'do' and 'be'. Just because human -do- something that does not mean that they -are- something as meat-eaters falsely imply.

ok....i give in, i will tell my friend with a private collection of fruit bats and one of my previous employers who owned a zoo that they were wrong, their bats were merely storing the wide variety of food in their mouths only to spit it out later!
you seem to think we are as we are. we are merely a very brief snapshot in time, in evolution. the reason many animals eat a variety is due to their evolutionary ancestors. turkey vultures evolved from a stork like species which ate large amount of soft fruit, hence they will still eat fruit although their main diet is carrion, yet they are classed as carnivores. pigs are omnivores yet their ancestors were vicious predators with a carnivorous diet. apes hunt and kill yet supposedly the idea to kill and eat another animals flesh is cultural. yet many species have not come into contact for millions of years, which if your argument stands in any way means we evolved from our ape-like ancestors having been culturally trained to eat meat, erego humans evolved as omnivores.

In an unscientific, not based upon rigid, testable definitions, sense, maybe. But not in reality. Is a rabbit an 'omnivore' because it can occasionally be observed eating slugs? No, it is a biological herbivore. Again, if you draw up a scientific definition based upon physiology/biochemistry, take detailed measurements of surface areas, quantified bodily secretions, etc, it becomes quite clear that they are NOT omnivores. That they can occassionally be observed eating slugs, does not change this fact.

you seem to love labels. obsessed with them possibly. no animal is born and gets told "your a vegetarian son, do not under any circumstance eat anything else, even if your dying through starvation"
no....animals are born, they try to survive, whether that means eating something new so be it. they do not stick to their labels we gave them, they simply exist. just because someone points out something an animal frequently eats does not make it the animals sole diet!

It is evolutionary fantasy that dinosaurs 'evolved' into birds, there is simply no evidence that any species can increase its genome. In what way is T-rex 'related' to the hummingbird? Found some feint similarity in their genomes have we? Similarity is no more evidence of common ancestry than it is of common design.

evolution has been PROVED. you really do need to learn that. people with more understanding of genetics, DNA, RNA, mutations etc etc than you or me have PROVEN that evolution happens. pull your head out your arse and smell the coffee for once.

Only once did I offer a little quip about you being an evolutionist and how you didn't mean to use the word 'design' as a result. Which threads have I failed to back up any arguments in? I think you are indulging in mendacious fantasising here, bhawk. Guilty of a little psychological projection are we?

again its dragging other threads in to this, i wont join in your game of taking digs at each other.

I have studied comparative anatomy and it quite clearly shows that human are NOT omnivores.

You need only examine the chemical composition of human breast milk to get a pretty clear indication of what the biologically correct diet for our species should constitute.

again with evolution we have many remnants of a different diet which USED to sustain us! you dont seem to catch the drift.

It's chemical profile being most similar to that of fruit, which should be the main constituent part of the human diet. In particular, note the protein content, a mere 1.3 grams per 100 grams. Meat (and all concentrate protein sources, milk, eggs, beans, nuts, etc) contains far TOO MUCH protein for our inherant assimilative biochemistry and putrefies in the small intestine (causing the offensive odours -flatulence, excrement, arm-pit odours- of concentrate protein eating humans) as a result. Prolonged abstinence from ALL concentrate sources of protein including 'good', i.e. high, sources of plant protein, such as a beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, etc, results in permanent cessation of ALL offensive bodily odours.

And body odor indeed proves your point!

Would you care to offer us a 'PEER-REVIEWED paper', based upon physiology/biochemistry that 'proves' that we are an omnivore or would you instead prefer that we are left to seek them out for ourselves, saving yourself the time and energy expenditure that would be wasted in the futile search for that which does not exist? Sorry to 'bring another thread' into this discussion, but you seem to have a recuring habit of doing this. Claiming that there is evidence in some authoritive journal or another but failing to reference said material. In fact, in my travels, I have come across many debators that use this tactic, a few buzz-words here and there - 'Peer-review', 'scientific method', etc. Yet, they always fail, when pressed, to present any such evidence.

to be quite honest i am working 16 hours a day at present and cant be arsed with your petty digs. you have the google machine in front of you, you can make enquiries.
why do i have to spoon feed you? that lump on top of your shoulders aint merely for decoration. use it.
the fact i dont want to spoon feed ignorant people is in no way an argument as to the credibility of what i say, again use it!

Simple, cultural tradition. They, like any other group of people pass their acquired cultural customs on to the next generation, teaching (brainwashing - albeit unconsciously) their offspring the same self-destructive culturally driven behaviour that they themselves were first indoctrinated in by their own parents, stretching back eons.

and apes have cultural traditions? if our cultural tradition of eating meat goes as far back as to the point were we were similar to chimpanzees (which hunt and eat their prey) then we evolved with this meat eating tradition, the first homo sapiens will have eaten meat.......therefore being omnivores. Also what about when we were rarer than mountain gorilla's? do you think we would have avoided meat which can keep for a long time? do you think the fact neanderthals were vegetarian?
the earliest human remains often are in caves littered with charred animal bones. sort of speaks for itself really.

There is an extensive amount of collated epidemiological evidence showing meat to be responsible for a fair amount of ill-health in humans, despite that 'fact' that we 'are omnivores' and are 'meant to eat it' or so they say:

Try heart disease for a start:

Or colon cancer:

Or ill-health in the Masai:

Or quantification of the medical costs of meat-consumption:

The medical costs attributable to meat consumption.

Barnard ND, Nicholson A, Howard JL.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC 20016, USA.

OBJECTIVE. To estimate the medical costs that are attributable to the health effects of meat consumption. METHODS. The prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, gallstones, obesity, and foodborne illness among omnivores and vegetarians are compared in studies that have controlled for other lifestyle factors, and the corresponding attributable medical costs are calculated in 1992 dollars. RESULTS. Direct health care costs attributable to meat consumption are estimated to be +2.8-8.5 billion for hypertension, +9.5 billion for heart disease, +0-16.5 billion for cancer, +14.0-17.1 billion for diabetes, +0.2-2.4 billion for gallbladder disease, +1.9 billion for obesity-related musculoskeletal disorders, and +0.2-5.5 billion for foodborne illness. The total direct medical costs attributable to meat consumption for 1992 are estimated at +28.6-61.4 billion. CONCLUSION. Health care costs attributable to meat consumption are quantifiable and substantial.

Publication Types:
Comparative Study

PMID: 8610089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

and with us having a life span "naturally" around 30 ish (thats from memory so dont quote me) when we extend our lifespan everything can become toxic to the body, anything in large enough quantities can kill, as we live unnaturally long our bodies will inevitably become laden with crap from our diet, whatever our diet! you leave out so many variables, its ridiculous.

Living in our correct ecological system, i.e. the tropics, we would have year round access to our correct diet, i.e. predominantly fruit, supplemented with young leaves. The only reason many humans do not have access to it is that some idiot had the wise idea to colonise the planet and this in turn necessitated eating different diets and resultant ill-health that accompanies them. Why would we need to 'make up for' the lack of meat? Is this another bogus protein 'argument'. There is no reason to 'make up for' the absence of degenerative diseases that a diet free of non-food items such as a meat contains.

THE TROPICS!!! WITH FRUIT. as far as scientists are aware the first homosapiens were a coastal folk, travelling approx. 1 mile per year as we colonized new land, and for a LONG time we stuck to only the coast and also small lakes within walking distance of the coast.
Now as anyone who hunts knows, animals need to drink, lakes are perfect hunting ground. the coast is great for nesting bird species, for fish etc

In summary: I think the 'argument' in favour of eating meat can, purely on health grounds, be seen for what it is - 'frail, delerious and stupendously ignorant.'

you have proven yourself ignorant and to be honest i really cant be arsed with your arguments any more. you seem to love trying to get one over on me, any more replys from you will be ignored as its more than tiresome and i have much better things to do with my time than spoon feeding you.


Well-Known Member
yea I have been a vegan/vegetarian for over 10 years, United States is currently an evil country, as much of the world

every one would be a vegan/vegeterian if they saw what really goes on and if they saw how awesome and how healthy most vegan food is

problem is the conditioning that the meat industry does to us and here in the diseased united states profits becomes more important then anything else, especially profits of wealthy people

my purpose was to change the world and make it a better place but now I am dead and I am in hell, I dont know what I am going to do
i kill animals frequently with my bare hands. i look in their eyes. i still apologise to every animal i kill as i do it. i know exactly what happens to my food. i conserve the land and manage it for them to thrive, i knock of the rabbits with myxamitosis to keep the population healthy, i take down the injured buck from a herd. my life is more intertwined with the animals lives than those few seconds when death occurrs. hunting is not just about killing.
the meat i eat i have watched grow up, they are free all their lives. they are not "farmed" but helped by me. i take small numbers compared to the population and always leave it at a healthy level. i truly believe unless you have lived like this and understand whats around you noone can appreciate the work huntsman do, for all wildlife, even for you vegans! we stop your crops being eaten! you should also remember that agriculture has destroyed many natural habitats. is that classed as murder? stopping the likely existence of thousands of animals over many years?
dont tell me that people would stop eating meat if they knew the process, millions of people still hunt and still enjoy the food it brings in.


Well-Known Member
I've been vegan for over two years now, though I consider hunters who kill solely for personal survival to be living respectfully with nature. There's a huge distinction between slaughter industries (breeding, harming, and wasting excessively) and self-sufficient farmers, hunters, fisherman, etc. who function independently, taking only what they need and giving back what they can.

Compare the example of Native Americans (coexisting harmoniously with natural environments for millenia).. with post-industrial age European invaders (craving wealth, power, exploiting resources, working slaves for profit) ..who in only a few centuries massacred the natives and helped build the destructive lifestyle of heavy consumption and waste that persists to this day. (Note that technology is not the problem here -- but how we use it that counts.)

Corporate farming, agribusinesses, slaughter industries thrive because of a weak and complacent populace unwilling to sacrifice conditioned luxuries -- many falling victim to the misconception that we're incapable of learning to live more independently, efficiently, and peacefully than our ancestors.

But talk is cheap -- I'm here neither to waste my time convincing others to change nor to argue out points with those who subscribe to opposing views. My objective is merely to gather, save and share information useful to myself and others pursuing alternative lifestyles. I'm already saving up funds, searching for suitable areas of land for construction of an off-the-grid, renewable energy residence, and planning for a more self-sustainable existence in general.


New Member & Antiquities Friend
The results of animal experiments are meaningless to humans. Most are wrong, the few that aren't are lost among the many. It is all a destructive guessing game.
Dude don't smoke so much weed, I'm a stoner but jeez you give us a bad name.
First you issue a blanket statement:"The results of animal experiments are meaningless to humans."
Then a contradiction:"Most are wrong, the few that aren't are lost among the many."
Then imply:" It is all a destructive guessing game."
If you don't think anything of value will come from animal experimentation then ask the diabetics about insulin, or people that must undergo dialysis, do you take any meds? Thank a test animal.
Yes "It is all a destructive guessing game." but that is how we learn.
I could go on and on, but I think you should join a peta website and post there.
Yes I hunt and I fish. We are allowed to do these things to prevent over-population and starvation within the PREY species.
As has been said humans are top of the food chain super-predators, deal with it.
Go ahead and flame me if you want, I wear asbestos underwear.


Well-Known Member
you did not demonstrate that those "frugivores" are indeed frugivores.
This can be demonstrated by drawing up a scientific definition. But as you do not appear to grasp the fact that a trait cannot be considered 'defining' if it is not both universally and exclusively found within that which it defines, there seems little point in trying to make any head-way where this discussion is concerned.

i observe people eating meat, dogs eating vegetables, harris hawks eating plums, blackbirds eating quail, great tits eating their own offspring, turkey vultures eating banana's. you may well not be looking hard enough.
Yes, but these are observations of what something -does- not what it -is- which can only be ascertained by drawing up the aforementioned scientific definition above.

ok....i give in, i will tell my friend with a private collection of fruit bats and one of my previous employers who owned a zoo that they were wrong, their bats were merely storing the wide variety of food in their mouths only to spit it out later!
Irrelevant, see point above.

you seem to think we are as we are.
That is because we -are- as we are until the mechanism said to drive evolution, random mutations, can actually be shown to be able to make any changes worth considering. Based upon -current- physiology/biochemistry humans are very much a frugivore. They have shown no meaningful adaptations to their omnivorous eating habits. This is surely strong evidence against the very concept of 'evolution' ? The complete lack of any noteworthy changes in human physiology and biochemistry over the long, long time that we have been eating this way.

we are merely a very brief snapshot in time, in evolution.
Evolutionary patter with no empirical basis.

the reason many animals eat a variety is due to their evolutionary ancestors.
Only if you believe in evolution (species to species) and make the baseless assumptions that accompany this belief would you offer this as your explanation. There could be lots of reasons why an animal is seen to be eating a particular food, i.e. an acquired tradition, survival necessity, etc. None of them have any relevance however, as what an animal -should- eat is dictated by it genetics, as manifest through its physiology and biochemistry.

if your argument stands in any way means we evolved from our ape-like ancestors having been culturally trained to eat meat, erego humans evolved as omnivores.
Evolution refers to the process of mutation and selection. If we 'evolved' into omnivores it would be reflected in our physiology/biochemistry and it is not. Ergo, we did not 'evolve' into omnivores, we have just been foolishly following a long-standing tradition. Doing 'omnivore' is not the same as -being- omnivore.

you seem to love labels.
Yes, rigid, inflexible 'labels' known as -definitions-. It is called science, dear.

obsessed with them possibly.
Here you use the word 'obsessed' as if it were a pejorative. There is nothing wrong with rigid adherance to high standards.

no animal is born and gets told "your a vegetarian son, do not under any circumstance eat anything else, even if your dying through starvation"
What an animal does in extreme circumstances is clearly not representative of it normal behaviour. Humans have eaten....other humans (!) in such circumstances, but clearly this does not make us -instinctual- cannibals, does it?
An animal is 'told' by it's instincts what to eat and how to behave. If it were intelligent enough to do so it could draw up a scientific definition for itself, based upon biochemical/physiological and anatomical measurements. But, clearly, even many humans are struggling with this one!

no....animals are born, they try to survive, whether that means eating something new so be it. they do not stick to their labels we gave them, they simply exist.
Under normal circumstances they do.

just because someone points out something an animal frequently eats does not make it the animals sole diet!
I was not 'pointing to what they eat'. I was pointing out the reality that each species has a scientifically determinable natural diet, based upon its physiology/biochemistry and instincts and, unsurprisingly, the predominant food's consumed mirror what the animal -should- be eating, except in the case of humans.

evolution has been PROVED. you really do need to learn that. people with more understanding of genetics, DNA, RNA, mutations etc etc than you or me have PROVEN that evolution happens. pull your head out your arse and smell the coffee for once.
Evolution, from species to species, is impossible, as no species can increase its genome. So, it most certainly has -not- been 'proven' ... rather disproven. Unless, of course, we use dishonest and arbitrarily chosen to intentionally mislead definitions for the terms 'species' and 'speciation'. If we consider anything that cannot breed with the rest of a group to be a 'separate species' then a sterile member of the same species is a 'new' species and this would 'prove' 'speciation'. But, clearly, the member is still the same species and has not added any information to its genome. The difference between a microbe and a person is stark and requires vast amounts of -additional- information to be added, by random mutations, to make the transition, over millions, billions, or however many years, possible. This cannot happen.

Evolutionists love to show examples of devolution - the loss of information from an existing pool of information (see: antibiotic resistance, wingless beetles, etc) - as 'proof' of 'evolution', claiming that 'evolution' simply refers to an 'adaptation' to one's environment and that creationists either 'dont understand' or 'deliberately misrepresent' what 'evolution' is.

However, if one states 'I do not believe in god because I believe I 'evolved' ' then one is clearly arguing for what creationists call 'uphill evolution' the -addition- to the genome of a pre-existing entity (i.e. an 'ape-like' creature) enabling it to 'evolve' into a human. This is proven to be false. Mutations cannot -increase- a species genome.

again its dragging other threads in to this, i wont join in your game of taking digs at each other.
You have already told me to 'take my head out of my arse' and you will later tell me that my head is a 'lump' but that I should use it anyway, yet you assert that you are not going to 'join me' in 'taking digs' ?!! These are not 'digs' supposedly? Well, what are they? .. because they dont look much like compliments either. :P

again with evolution we have many remnants of a different diet which USED to sustain us! you dont seem to catch the drift.
Our physiology is a 'remnant' ?
Our biochemistry is a 'remnant' ?
The nutritional composition of our breast-milk is a 'remnant' ?
Our instinctual attraction to sweet, sugary things (sweet shops?) is a 'remnant'
The vast quantity of epidemiological studies on human diet showing the health benefits of a plant-based diet, centred around fruits and vegetables are based upon is a 'remnant' ?

What -evidence- is there, besides an observation of actions rather than genetics, supporting the 'humans are omnivores' argument?

And body odor indeed proves your point!
Yes, it does. Why? Because the odours are caused by internal putrefaction by bacteria that would not be able to exist in the small intestine without food to live on. That food comes in the form of non-properly digested and assimilated concentrate proteins, the remnants of which are metabolised by the bacteria which in turn produce toxic and offensive smelling by-products. The other odour being that of sulfur (rotting egg smell) and sulfur enters the body through concentrate protein consumption, particularly the amino acids, methionine and cysteine, if memory serves me right, which are plentiful in 'good', i.e. high, sources of protein and clearly have not been digested assimilated correctly as they would not still be present in the intestine, putrefying. This is the cause of body odour and disappears completely through prelonged abstinence from -all- concentrate protein sources, including 'good' sources of plant protein, such as nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, etc. So, yes, odour does prove my point.

to be quite honest i am working 16 hours a day at present and cant be arsed with your petty digs. you have the google machine in front of you, you can make enquiries.
why do i have to spoon feed you? that lump on top of your shoulders aint merely for decoration. use it.
the fact i dont want to spoon feed ignorant people is in no way an argument as to the credibility of what i say, again use it!
Dodging the issue again I see. Tut tut.

and apes have cultural traditions?
They do indeed. The traditions differ from tribe to tribe amongst chimps. Flesh 'eating' being one such cultural practice. They do not actually 'eat' it, they suck the juice from it while holding a chunk between clumps of leaves. They offer the meat to sexually receptive females in exchange for sex, they withhold it from political enemies and give it instead to allies. It is pure culture. Quantified, it is seen to be insignifant, not 'consumed' by all members (there is a clue there) and social in nature. Meat-propaganda sites jump upon it though.

if our cultural tradition of eating meat goes as far back as to the point were we were similar to chimpanzees (which hunt and eat their prey) then we evolved with this meat eating tradition, the first homo sapiens will have eaten meat.......therefore being omnivores.
Nope, you're still mistaking -doing- for -being-.

Also what about when we were rarer than mountain gorilla's? do you think we would have avoided meat which can keep for a long time? do you think the fact neanderthals were vegetarian?
Irrelevant, see the point continuously being made throughout this post - the distinction between genetics (what we are) and actions (what we do).

the earliest human remains often are in caves littered with charred animal bones. sort of speaks for itself really.
'Charred' meaning burned, i.e. fire, a product of human -culture- and no doubt, tools, more -culture-. Clearly not the same as adhering to the diet that our physiology and biochemistry dictate should be consumed.

and with us having a life span "naturally" around 30 ish (thats from memory so dont quote me) when we extend our lifespan everything can become toxic to the body, anything in large enough quantities can kill, as we live unnaturally long our bodies will inevitably become laden with crap from our diet, whatever our diet! you leave out so many variables, its ridiculous.
On what do you base your claim that humans are only 'meant' to live for '30-ish' years? Why dont the bodies of those that live on a diet of raw fruit and veg become 'laden with crap' ?

THE TROPICS!!! WITH FRUIT. as far as scientists are aware the first homosapiens were a coastal folk, travelling approx. 1 mile per year as we colonized new land, and for a LONG time we stuck to only the coast and also small lakes within walking distance of the coast.
Now as anyone who hunts knows, animals need to drink, lakes are perfect hunting ground. the coast is great for nesting bird species, for fish etc
Interesting but irrelevant.

you have proven yourself ignorant and to be honest i really cant be arsed with your arguments any more. you seem to love trying to get one over on me, any more replys from you will be ignored as its more than tiresome and i have much better things to do with my time than spoon feeding you.
The rubbish you write belongs on a shovel not a spoon, dear.
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Well-Known Member
Dude don't smoke so much weed, I'm a stoner but jeez you give us a bad name.
Never touched the stuff in my life dear and you really ought to ease off of it giving the obfuscated content of what follows.

First you issue a blanket statement:"The results of animal experiments are meaningless to humans." Then a contradiction:"Most are wrong, the few that aren't are lost among the many."
Would you care to explain how my statement above is a 'contradiction' please?

Then imply:" It is all a destructive guessing game."
Well, as most (some 80% I believe when I looked into it) are incorrect and you do not know which one's these are, then clearly you are 'guessing' and this is in turn 'destructive' (the clues being the massive amount of harm done to people through it) Hence, a 'destructive guessing game' which incidently isn't scientific.

If you don't think anything of value will come from animal experimentation then ask the diabetics about insulin, or people that must undergo dialysis, do you take any meds?
Sadly, you cannot support your claim that any of these things came about -because of- animal experiments. You see, just because discoveries have been made and just because animal experiments take place does not prove that animal experiments were instrumental in those discoveries...and, as you do not know which results are valid and which are not, they clearly were not instrumental in the discovery.

Thank a test animal.
Your argument is refuted above. Besides, I do not take 'medicine' as I have long seen through the hoax that it represents. Drugs are not making a patient better, they are suppressing/otherwise interfering with, necessary and healthful responses from the immune-system, which in turn creates additional disease requiring yet more drugs.

Yes "It is all a destructive guessing game." but that is how we learn.
Self-apparently, something which produces a perpetual state of unknowingness isn't much use as a teaching aid, and clearly was -not- responsible in shedding any light on the subject (whatever the subject may be) when all it could produce is a set of conflictory outcomes.

We are allowed to do these things to prevent over-population and starvation within the PREY species.
Irony of ironies is the fact that there are too many cows (a prey species) on this planet because they are being used for food. They are being artificially inseminated to create the necessary quantity required, hence, clearly there would not -naturally- be that amount. If it could occur naturally it would not need to be forced. Another interesting contradiction is the number of species that hunters have 'conserved' into extinction.

As has been said humans are top of the food chain super-predators, deal with it.
Go ahead and flame me if you want, I wear asbestos underwear.
Humans are frugivores, it is not possible to transcend the food chain. This school-boy style argument shows a basic ignorance of evolution, genetics, etc. You might want to familiarise yourself with comparative anatomy.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be facetious but, in previous discussions - namely concerning the existence of vaccinations and HIV/AIDS - you seemed to have rejected much of what medical science had to say (on the basis that it was false and/or intentionally falsified). How are you substantiating these points you're making, which I ask out of genuine interest?

For the record, not to take sides but the proposed food pyramid does in fact relegate red meat to be consumed 'sparingly' and all other lean meats and dairy products (as well as eggs) as '0 to 2' servings. It also explicitly encourages the heavy consumption of mostly fruits, vegetables, and grains; thus there is a case for abstaining or at the very least reducing meat consumption.

However the problem is that humans are very much outside the norm of natural development. Unlike other animals we can make conscious decisions concerning what to eat or not eat, regardless of physiology. Most animals would not be capable of that decision nor have the physiology to adapt as we could; sure, theoretically we should not eat meat, but we still can, however bad it may be. If we based everything on what was natural than technically we should only eat what we hunt and gather, since agriculture and all it produces is an unnatural development.


Well-Known Member
There is an extensive amount of collated epidemiological evidence showing meat to be responsible for a fair amount of ill-health in humans, despite that 'fact' that we 'are omnivores' and are 'meant to eat it' or so they say:

Try heart disease for a start:

Or colon cancer:

Or ill-health in the Masai:

Or quantification of the medical costs of meat-consumption:

The medical costs attributable to meat consumption.

Barnard ND, Nicholson A, Howard JL.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, DC 20016, USA.

OBJECTIVE. To estimate the medical costs that are attributable to the health effects of meat consumption. METHODS. The prevalence of hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, gallstones, obesity, and foodborne illness among omnivores and vegetarians are compared in studies that have controlled for other lifestyle factors, and the corresponding attributable medical costs are calculated in 1992 dollars. RESULTS. Direct health care costs attributable to meat consumption are estimated to be +2.8-8.5 billion for hypertension, +9.5 billion for heart disease, +0-16.5 billion for cancer, +14.0-17.1 billion for diabetes, +0.2-2.4 billion for gallbladder disease, +1.9 billion for obesity-related musculoskeletal disorders, and +0.2-5.5 billion for foodborne illness. The total direct medical costs attributable to meat consumption for 1992 are estimated at +28.6-61.4 billion. CONCLUSION. Health care costs attributable to meat consumption are quantifiable and substantial.

Publication Types:
Comparative Study

PMID: 8610089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Living in our correct ecological system, i.e. the tropics, we would have year round access to our correct diet, i.e. predominantly fruit, supplemented with young leaves. The only reason many humans do not have access to it is that some idiot had the wise idea to colonise the planet and this in turn necessitated eating different diets and resultant ill-health that accompanies them. Why would we need to 'make up for' the lack of meat? Is this another bogus protein 'argument'. There is no reason to 'make up for' the absence of degenerative diseases that a diet free of non-food items such as a meat contains.

In summary: I think the 'argument' in favour of eating meat can, purely on health grounds, be seen for what it is - 'frail, delerious and stupendously ignorant.'

And purely on health grounds these studies are flawed... primarily the issue lies in the type of meat being used. Grain fed beef for example has a large amount of saturated fat, while grass fed has a similar fatty acid ratio to fish. You really think these heart problems listed are due primarily to meat? How about breaking down what kind of fats these people were ingesting? If in fact they were eating primarily red grain fed meat, then they were taking in a large amount of saturated fat while ignoring the essential fatty acids. Calling meat bad for this reason, is along the same lines as the USA saying fat is bad throughout the 80's and 90's while our heart disease continued to increase despite the government's attack on fats(if anyone is telling you an entire macronutrient group is bad, they are in fact, idiots).

Also you are stating meat casues colon cancer... okay... how about the fact that these people most likely were taking in a lower amount of fiber? Or the fact if these people were grilling their meat, as many meat eaters do, they most likely were charring the meat which has recently been shown to turn the creatine into a carcinogen?

On your last point, what benefit would we get by basing our diet only on fruits? So you advocate eating a diet primarily of fructose and fiber? Really? Its funny how people in this thread claim that we will eventually run low on food due to meat consumption, yet last time I checked meat is MUCH denser in calories than fruit and veggies. Also animals are much less sensitive to different climates than fruit is. Living on a diet without meat is not practical in this day and age.


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okay i can't be bothered to read all the previous posts - they're way too long and my concentration span whilst drunk isn't all that great... here's what i believe...

animals shouldn't be farmed/bred - it's unnatural, humans haven't exactly done a good job of it, it uses way too much resources, people don't even eat approximately 1/4 of the produce they farm anyway. it uses about 10 times as much water per year to produce a heard of cows than 2 crops of plants. farming as many animals as we do at the moment is increasing the rate of global warming. and it's just disgusting - the ways in which animals are treated on these farms.

this would then stop mass-animal slaughter
- which is horrible, cruel and inhumane. the majority of people think animals aren't as important as humans, that's wrong in my opinion. all animals on this earth deserve a life worth living. being farmed and then killed is not a life, but it's what millions of animals are getting. if you're going to bring up the "it's natural to eat meat" card, go and kill your own animals, that are wild, not pumped full of chemicals - that's natural.

just because i saw this in the post above --
"Living on a diet without meat is not practical in this day and age." - sorry but that's a pretty stupid thing to say. what makes this day and age any worse than another time? if anything, there is more access to things that can easily suppliment a diet without meat. i am a vegetarian myself. i know PLENTY of vegetarians and vegans who, just like a lot of meat eaters - have EXACTLY what their body requires. just because meat is dense in calories doesn't make it good. anyone can get their specific requirements from a vegetarian or vegan diet.

i believe the original post was about the cruelty of animal slaughter.
i think it is "fucked up" as stated. others may disagree. that's just my opinion.


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But in all seriousness, fuck animals. Its their own fault for being so delicious.
:laugh: haha
i have no problem with people who eat meat if they just man up and say they want to eat it because it tastes good, instead of putting forward silly reasons why they should.
people have eaten meat for.. well forever. you don't need to argue why you should, but if someone wants to put forward reasons why they don't, then why beat them down for it? i don't get it. everyone has their own opinions.
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Well-Known Member
:laugh: haha
i have no problem with people who eat meat if they just man up and say they want to eat it because it tastes good, instead of putting forward silly reasons why they should.
people have eaten meat for.. well forever. you don't need to argue why you should, but if someone wants to put forward reasons why they don't, then why beat them down for it? i don't get it. everyone has their own opinions.
I gave reasons as a response to the person who said eating meat is unhealthy and people that think it is are ignorant. I dont care what you eat either way. But I still believe it is not practical for every single person in the world to be a vegetarian.


Well-Known Member
Some of the longest lived people in the world were meat eaters, and others were vegetarians. There is still a lot about the human body we don't really know about, something even nutritionists and biologist admit (hence the increasing debate and seeming inconsistency among studies).

For me, it's mostly common sense: avoid toxins like alcohol and tobacco; cut back on caffeine, fat, and sugar; eat as balanced a diet as possible, consume everything in moderation, and get some regular exercise of some kind. A high rate of activity is proven to be the most important component of health: empirical observation has shown athletes consuming a wide range of food - including meat - but maintain a good enough metabolism and nutritional balance to otherwise adapt.


Well-Known Member
Some of the longest lived people in the world were meat eaters, and others were vegetarians. There is still a lot about the human body we don't really know about, something even nutritionists and biologist admit (hence the increasing debate and seeming inconsistency among studies).

For me, it's mostly common sense: avoid toxins like alcohol and tobacco; cut back on caffeine, fat, and sugar; eat as balanced a diet as possible, consume everything in moderation, and get some regular exercise of some kind. A high rate of activity is proven to be the most important component of health: empirical observation has shown athletes consuming a wide range of food - including meat - but maintain a good enough metabolism and nutritional balance to otherwise adapt.
As usual Zurk, well said. No one food or macronutrient is the devil, if anyone is telling you this then they are usually trying to sell you something. Moderation is key.


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I gave reasons as a response to the person who said eating meat is unhealthy and people that think it is are ignorant. I dont care what you eat either way. But I still believe it is not practical for every single person in the world to be a vegetarian.

i was saying in general, when people give silly reasons to eat meat, sorry if you got the impression it was about your post. :smile:
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