Anyone doing ECT?

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I have been doing ECT for almost a year now. It has helped with the "in the future" suicidal thoughts, although I still get the impulsive kind. ECT and a lot of medication keep me alive. It is definitely not my "will" to live that keeps me going.
Thank you MisterBGone, I do try very hard. In fact my doctor today said I was his hardest working patient, although he probably says that to everyone, but he said none of his other patients go to work the same day they have ECT. He was very supportive and positive........he gave me hope.
my friend has had ECT and the first course seemed to work great. I could see improvements and so could the professionals, but they relapsed and are having a second course now. It doesn't seem to be having as much effect as the first one though.
I hope things work out :)
I too had to repeat my series, now I go for maintenance treatments every 2 weeks. Most maintenance is done once a month but since I have had no side effects I requested every 2 weeks. I need it to help combat the suicidal thoughts that sometime are just out of control.

I wish your friend good luck.
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