Break in at work

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The Storm King
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
So, I came in to work this morning and there was plywood covering one of the doors. Someone broke the glass and got in the store during the night!!!!
Can't ID the guy because when we looked at the video and his face never came in to shot (wearing a hoodie). NO one was hurt this time, but I am freaking out a littlle because this reminds of some bad things in the past. Several years ago, someone held me up at gunpoint and demanded all the money in the safe. And not too long ago, a customer threatened to get his car out of his car and shoot me because the part he ordered didn't show up.

Anxiety is high right now :(


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
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I'm sorry that you had your work broken into. I can see how that would bring up bad memories. Hang in there, and let us know if there is anything we can do to help.


The Storm King
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
Thank you Sassy and Kalicka.

I feel better now that I am home. Dealing with the pubic is always a challenge, and I think I am nearing the end of my time in retail.


SF Social Media
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{{{hugs}}} That's a tough one. Here's to your safety. Try to relax. I'm sure no one is coming back to your place again right now. Take care.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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That really is chilling and alarming and I am glad no one was physically hurt.

Don't be scared, I know how you feel because I live in similar circumstances. It is frightening but my counselor helped majorly, maybe counseling is the solution?

So sorry they did this, scum.


The Storm King
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
Thanks Petal. Thanks Thusspoke.

I am doing much better today. I will talk to my counselor next week tho and see what we can figure out.
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