

Music can mean anything, what does it mean to you?
A lost of friends, a temporary lost of communication between the person I care about more than I would like to admit.

It may just have been a short time but it's all a mystery and I can't stop feeling guilt, feeling like most people are gone and the rest are soon to follow... who do I have left?

The waiting is killing me, I'm losing my sprit, I'm worried, scared, confused, down, I'm not sure on what to do to be honest ._.

I just need to keep waiting, I don't have a choice.. just in the meantime I need to calm down my thoughts which is running my energy dry.

heh, would it have been better if I didn't care? if I prevented myself from falling in love again? well here we are anyway so yeah just kind of need to let it out for someone to hear...

Well... see, still a comedian i know .-.
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This sounds like a tough thing to have to wait out. I hope everything works out.
heh, would it have been better if I didn't care? if I prevented myself from falling in love again?
Feeling is difficult because it makes you vulnerable, but it's also something a person has to go through to make meaningful connections.
Well... see, still a comedian i know
I don't understand this part

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