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common misconceptions about depression (needed for class)


SF Supporter
I think depression is the standby diagnosis for everything and then there's a rush to treat with meds. I know that I believe this. Maybe the misconception is mine? Maybe the professionals? But I'm sure this is misconception in action.


Well-Known Member
depression and suicidality can never be understood unless one has experienced it .
i havent come across an analogy to explain it and do it justice yet to a layperson.
best of luck with your speech.


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
SF Artist
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I just saw this ...
One I don't see yet.

People shouldn't talk about suicidal thoughts and feelings, it will only push them over the edge. It is best to just ignore it.

This is of course entirely untrue. People often find great relief from being able to tell someone how they are feeling and talk about the thoughts in their head.


stuck in place yet again
I just saw this ...
One I don't see yet.

People shouldn't talk about suicidal thoughts and feelings, it will only push them over the edge. It is best to just ignore it.

This is of course entirely untrue. People often find great relief from being able to tell someone how they are feeling and talk about the thoughts in their head.
thank you nick :)

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