Covid Buying?


i don't like me either
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Never thought I'd be the one to say this. I've been spending money on in-game purchases: skins mostly, but also rank. I've subscribed to pubg mobile's Prime Plus which is about $15 AU p/m. I'm still learning what all the different currencies, values, etc. are, in the game. I've even watched videos on youtube on massive crate opening sprees. I don't mind having bought a few outfits for my character, but I'm hoping it doesn't become a regular occurrence. Some of the skins I want will cost an absolute fortune, and although I love pubg atm, I know it's likely going to be replaced by better games. I did a little research on pubg spending and found some articles relating to (namely) a couple of younger Indian people who'd spent two and four million Kronas in their currency. I haven't converted it yet, but that's not something I'd be happy about doing myself. On another note, pubg mobile has made over $1B in revenue. An article I read the other night highlights the fact that although a substantial number of regular players have moved on from pubg mobile in the earlier parts of 2020 onwards, revenue has substantially spiked, especially since the outbreak of Covid-19. Am I a victim of a scam, or nieve to the futility of my purchases, no. Have I wasted money on digital content, probably, but what I bought has afforded me some enjoyment.

Scuze the block of text :)


Well-Known Member
I therapy shop, even when it's not covid. I'm terrible. I have an ice capp every day, I buy books, tons of magazines, scratch tickets, craft supplies, and loads of shit from the dollar store. Sometimes, it feels a bit out of control. I spent a good portion of my savings. And once I have it all home, it's not nearly as fun. I've got issues....


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
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I bought a set of packing compression cubes. They are supposed to be for traveling so you can make all your stuffs squish in your suitcase. They are rather nifty, but um I'm not traveling :D.

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