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Well-Known Member
really not doing too well just now and just wish i was dead. i didnt go to my app with my psychiatrist and also missed my app with my psychologist because i couldnt face what i was going to go through talking about the past. my key worker is on holiday and im missing her so much. had a fall out with my best friend and got nowhere else to turn i would be better of dead.
i think you should call both of them back and explain you need an emergency appointment. you should be getting some extra supports right now when you need them. if they can't see you would you go to the ER? you don't have to keep suffering. there is a way out of this pain other than suicide, you just can't see it 'cos you are in the middle of the storm. make those calls.


Well-Known Member
ive really lost the will to do anything now. got so much to do at home and not done it its piling up and piling up and really dont care if the kids have clean clothes for school. not been out for days and run out of meds which means theres going to be a big crash soon but now i dont care which i know is bad.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
I understand okay the will is not there but you need to do one thing and one thing only call you doctor and get help for YOU.
Your children need YOU stable okay so call and get back on your medication NOW
This is about you pushing through okay and doing what is necessary to get you back on track again. Call doctors and make appt and get yourself help before you even go deeper into depression.

The longer you stay where you are at the harder it will get to bring stablility back to you.

You know what needs to be done so do it not only for YOU now but for your children your family okay just do it.
if you go to the ER and explain that you ran out of meds they will be able to give you a small supply to tide you over until you get to the pharmacy. don't let it go any longer. you will only get worse and you don't deserve that. you can start to feel better, you just can't see it right now. thinking of you.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
depression okay that is what you have that is why you have lost the will to do anything get the depression treated then the will to do something will return


Well-Known Member
Are you from uk or another country Brownie. Have you got a partner there to support you and your kids?

Please if you dont think of yourself think of your kids, their love for you is unconditional and they would miss you terribly if anything was to happen.

Please get some help you sound so desperate at the moment.


Well-Known Member
im in scotland. my husband is not much help he doesnt understand the way i feel if i say things to him he just says ok. i have a key worker who is on holiday till 4th dec and i put of my apps with my psychologist and psychiatrist because im scared of facing my past and going out. ive done nothing for days and run out of meds and at the stage where i dont care and what happens happens.


Well-Known Member
Brownie, i really hope you find the strength to get through tonight and get in touch with Doc tomorrow.

Im sorry Im not much use to you at the moment, am having a bit of a crisis of my own right at this minute.

I really really genuinely wish you well though, I hate to think of other people suffering xxx
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