Daydreaming about suicide

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Well-Known Member
I have no plans to kill myself, nor do I have the desire right now, but I'm listening to Fall Down by Superchick and I find myself sitting here imagining jumping off a cliff. It's not even a sad song.

What does it mean when you daydream about killing yourself when you're not even depressed?


Well-Known Member
That you can't get suicidal feelings out of your mind even when happy/content. It's probably engraved into you.


Well-Known Member
When I was listening to the song I was thinking "If I ever want to kill myself by jumping off a cliff, I'll listen to this song while I do it." And then I just pictured doing it without even thinking about what I was doing.
I often fantasize about nuclear bombs going off right on top of my head. Sometimes I fantasize about driving into walls or off cliffs. Other times I picture blowing my brains out with a gun. I never buy one because I'm afraid I'll do it.


Well-Known Member
I've had the same thoughts, I usually get them right before I go to sleep and it's not usually vague images- they get really detailed.

If you've ever attempted it could just be reoccurring thoughts of that. Or even if you lack the desire it could be in the back of your mind and the song just triggers it.


Forum Buddy & Antiquities Friend
You could be thinking about all of us talking about commiting on a subconsouis level..You could also be in a more depressed mood.. It's hard to say without sitting down and going over everything.. I hope these thoughts ease up..Keep posting so we know where you are with them..Take care!!


Well-Known Member
It's not the first time I've thought about these things. One time I was playing darts with some friends and I found myself thinking about someone accidently hitting me with a dart and puncturing my jugular and then me bleeding to death right there, so it's not even all suicidal, just imagining my death.

Thoughts like that can't be healthy.
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