debilitating :/

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Well-Known Member
its nice to have a way of having someone hear/read your thoughts. with that said...

i feel so joyless. i can still function in everyday life and go to work etc., but i feel like im paralyzed from the neck down when im free to do whatever i want. im lucky to be able to say that i can at least function everyday and go to work, do homework etc. i know not everyone here can say that.
ive been sitting on my computer, cyber-window shopping on amazon and ebay for art and craft supplies the past couple days. for some reason i seem to think that if i got new stuff, maybe i would feel more like making/painting something again (one of the few hobbies i had. if you can call watching family guy a hobby. other than that i have the sims, sleeping and eating)

im feeling pretty stressed out between work and school and really feel like i need something create a balance. just do something i enjoy. but somehow, when i do have time, all i do is sit there and waste hour after hour. its not what i want to do. but everything else just seems like work :/ everything seems like a big stinking pile of work. watching a movie or tv show, playing a game, everything is more a task than anything. i need a way to take my mind off things. ive been thinking about joying a gym again, but then again....lets be realistic lol

its weird, going to work, sitting down and studying and whatnot should be way harder and more of a drag than finding something to enjoy myself for a couple hours.
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