Describe how you're feeling with only one word


πŸ”₯ A Fire Inside πŸ”₯
SF Supporter
Feels like everything HA Just falling apart & being a whiny bitch. Recovering from dislocation on one knee with pulled muscle on opposing calf. Just.. need the whambulance.
You're far from being a whiny bitch, dude. Trust me on that one. You're in a lot of pain physically. You're quite justified in feeling the way you feel.


πŸ”₯ A Fire Inside πŸ”₯
SF Supporter
Now you're talkin! The vodkabulance is on it's way. No, not really. I'm at work now. haha I wish though.
Thank you.
I didn't even know anyone even read this section.. lol Why is everyone commenting?!
I read a lot of things that I don't always respond to. But when I see a friend, with a very valid and legitimate complaint, who is the total opposite of a whiny bitch calling himself a whiny bitch, that calls for a response :)

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