Distressing nightmares


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May I have a hug? Very bad nightmares lately, distressing ones, tried to get medicine off the doctor, that didn't work. :(

Has anyone got any advice on nightmares? I think they are PTSD related which would make them harder to cope with.

Thanks for reading - have a pleasant day. :)


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Hi, @Petal. I’m sorry you’ve had nightmares. If they wake you up, can you ground yourself - get back the sense that you in the “now” not in the nasty dream? Sometimes turning on a light and just taking an inventory of the “normal” things around can help.

I hope they stop soon for you. Take care. *hug


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I can't take credit for any of this, because none of it was my idea, but there are some things that have helped my nightmares. I've found that if I can go to sleep in a calmer state than at least the intensity of the nightmares are less. Occasionally they decide not to haunt me.

I cleared everything that wasn't necessary from my room. Any clutter or things that weren't put up. Making a quiet safe space. I light a candle to create a nice smelling room (I don't do fluffy so it's vanilla, but really any calming sent to you would work). I take a shower before bed. I guess there's something about going to bed clean, not really sure but it works. I then get in bed and put on a recorded book. It allows my mind to slow down. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now (I think) and it helps. I think it's more about getting my head in a place to sleep.

I hope you find something that helps.


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I have awful nightmares also. I also have ptsd and the nightmares are horrid.

Luckily my doctor gives me medication to help.


To Wish Impossible Things
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Oh Sweetpea *console

I'm sorry, it's so hard to deal with and everything always somehow feels worse in the middle of the night.

I'm on meds now that most nights knock me out so mine have improved greatly. But before, like Nick, I found clearing my bedroom helped. I kept my room really simple, even taking down the pictures from the walls as these confused me when I woke after a nightmare.
I kept headphones next to my bed so I could put on a meditation or mindfulness app without worrying about waking anyone else up. I also bought a children's plug in nightlight so my room wasn't in total darkness when I woke up.

More hugs *hug


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Nightmares are so so difficult.

@Petal ask doctor for prasosin also called mini press. It is basically a blood pressure medicine that they discovered helped with PTSD related nightmares with Vietnam veterans. Not sure if its in use in Ireland, but worth a shot. I use this medication. Some say it has side effects but I've noticed none.

One thing I've noticed is what I watch effects the nightmares, so I've become really choosey about TV shows and movies.

Hope you feel better *hug


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* hugs * *hug

When I have nightmares, it's usually because the period has already been pretty depressive, I had a horrible day and sad thoughts. If I am not in a good mental state in the evening, the risk is higher. Going to sleep with a smile can help.

I also learned to partially lucid-dream. It's really really effective because if it starts being nightmar-ish, I can sometimes avoid it.

Just last night I dreamt I met friends from uni (that I haven't met for two years because of depression), and that I got in a fight with my best friend there about my behaviour. It felt heartbreaking to see her angry with me. But at some point, I was telling her : "You know, this is my dream, I imagine all of this stuff and you as well, you are not really here with me, but I want you to know that I understand, that I still love you, and that I'm so sorry for what I did." Then she hugged me lol

Hope you have some good sleep soon. Sending you positive thoughts.

*hug sorry to hear that. I used to get bad ones. When I was on Effexor. Hated that medication.
Yeah, I'm taking it, it definitely makes me have long, realistic and detailed dreams. But nothing as scary as without any medication.


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Wow, so many helpful replies thanks for proving i am not alone in this battle & thanks for the great advice and precious time...
ask doctor for prasosin
This is exactly what I asked the doctor for yesterday and i had asked a few months ago too, she refused thinking it would not suit my mixed medications.

I found clearing my bedroom helped
I've found that if I can go to sleep in a calmer state than at least the intensity of the nightmares are less.
I shall give this one a shot, its worth it i think although i get nightmares even if i have had a good day but maybe changing my surroundings will help.

I also learned to partially lucid-dream. It's really really effective because if it starts being nightmar-ish, I can sometimes avoid it.
This definitely sounds interesting and something i am willing to try - thanks :)
. If they wake you up, can you ground yourself - get back the sense that you in the “now” not in the nasty dream?
Yes - i am able to ground myself after i awake but unfortunately i can remember my nightmares very well. But i will try new grounding techniques :)

Thanks for the hugs :)


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I'm sorry you've been being haunted by the bad dreams. I don't have anything more effective than has already been said. I took minipress and it was really quite amazing but I see that your Dr isn't into that idea. I do hope some of these other ideas work for you.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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I'm sorry you've been being haunted by the bad dreams. I don't have anything more effective than has already been said. I took minipress and it was really quite amazing but I see that your Dr isn't into that idea. I do hope some of these other ideas work for you.
Thank you Matt, I sure hope so too *hug


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well crap, so sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, I take minipress and still have nightmares sometimes, maybe I've been taking it too long.

I pray for peace in your sleep


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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well crap, so sorry, but if it makes you feel any better, I take minipress and still have nightmares sometimes, maybe I've been taking it too long.

I pray for peace in your sleep
Sorry you're going through something similar but thank you for your kind thoughts :)


Absolute Peach!
Mine used to be awful, but luckily seem to have faded. Very rare I have them now, thankfully.

Things that helped me were having somebody on standby who would be available to talk. I didn't tell them about my nightmares but whenever I messaged them they'd be there, even if not immediately, which helped me feel a little safer. Some practical things I did would be to set myself a strict routine (often less sleep can make them worse, apparently) and when I get to bed, using mindfulness to calm my anxiety, or try to. This only worked the second time I tried it though. I think I might have been in a better place in my life though. A friend let me fall asleep on call sometimes, again, that sometimes helped. I think trying to find a way to soothe the bad feelings and anxiety towards the nightmares is good although I know how damn hard it is. Know we are all here for you :) honestly I think nightmares are the worst thing I've experienced and I wouldn't wish them on anyone, so I hope you find a way to overcome them.

Sending massive hugs



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Prazosin has helped me. Does your counsellor have any ideas?
Hi kate, I asked my psychiatrist and got a firm no. He said there are too many side effects, i tried to get him round to me wanting to take the risk but was shut down, no from doc, no from psych x2.

I had no nightmares last night but geeez they have been bad before that. My counsellor had ideas such as mindfulness, exercise and having good sleep hygiene, i'll keep trying that. Oh and meditation which i do anyway.

Thank you for the support.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Mine used to be awful, but luckily seem to have faded. Very rare I have them now, thankfully.

Things that helped me were having somebody on standby who would be available to talk. I didn't tell them about my nightmares but whenever I messaged them they'd be there, even if not immediately, which helped me feel a little safer. Some practical things I did would be to set myself a strict routine (often less sleep can make them worse, apparently) and when I get to bed, using mindfulness to calm my anxiety, or try to. This only worked the second time I tried it though. I think I might have been in a better place in my life though. A friend let me fall asleep on call sometimes, again, that sometimes helped. I think trying to find a way to soothe the bad feelings and anxiety towards the nightmares is good although I know how damn hard it is. Know we are all here for you :) honestly I think nightmares are the worst thing I've experienced and I wouldn't wish them on anyone, so I hope you find a way to overcome them.

Sending massive hugs

Thank you Em, i appreciate your kind words, thanks for sharing your experiences *hug

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