Do past lives exist?

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Sometimes I wonder if past lives really exist. I feel like the reason why I'm having trouble in this life is because I might have done something wrong in a previous life.


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Have you ever watched the show "Cosmos" with Neil deGrasse Tyson? which i think is a reboot of an older cosmos by Carl Sagan. Anyway in one episode they mention how the same matter is used over and over to form a planet, a dog, a person, etc.. you are probably familiar with the theory that 'matter is never created or destroyed, only changed from one state to another'. I'm very skeptical about things but the way he explained things made me realize that my atoms will go into some other life after I'm dead, whether or not it is "me".
I haven't been in this forum before so not sure how opinionated I am supposed to get, so I'll just leave the thoughts at that.
I believe they do. I think to some extent while in the human form having our human experiences, we will continuously do "wrong" things, and so sometimes we do get a chance to correct those or to be on the other side of the fence in subsequent lifetimes.

But I think once we dig deep, push through and overcome, then that experience will be marked off our list so to speak, so we won't have that hurdle or level or challenge in a next life.

Basically, I don't think it is that you/we were necessarily a "bad" person, jus that the past lives impact the lessons we choose or need to experience.

I think it applies even in this current life though: that our past in this life can affect our experiences. You may for instance, find yourself repeatedly being a doormat, until you learn the lesson and find the strength to break the cycle.

The good/not so good news is I don't think there is any way to escape challenges once we are human...but we can get through it and ascend/elevate.
I believe that life is a continuous flow that functions without any interruptions whatsoever. What we in earthly life perceive as death is merely a transformation and a passing from one life-state into another. And yes, the atoms of our physical body are recycled. I have always been a great follower of recycling, I wouldn't want it any other way.


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In my youth i taught myself hypnosis, i used to hypnotise friends regularly and performed many past life regressions. they always interested me. They never lived lives extraordinary but still fascinating. And the details people would go into of other times and other cultures. I personally do not like the idea of an afterlife or reincarnation but still i find myself being drawn to performing past life regressions time and time again.
The stories i could tell of the "past lives" are amazing but would take forever to write up.
I did lean towards Jungs collective unconscious but nowadays i am not so sure.


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Personally, I don't believe past lives are a thing. But, if they are, I don't think they have any effect on our current lives as they are! I think bad circumstances just happen with no reason, and how we react to them is largely based on who we are as people and how our brain processes things.

Matter-wise? Yes, things are reused, but I don't think any of it has an effect on who we are today, so we should always strive to make our own paths in life and realize it's not the problems in our life that dictate who we are, it's how we react to them that shows our character.


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I believe they do, but people are free to believe it doesn't exist.

I don't feel that connected to my family's culture sometimes. I feel more in sync with other continents, so it's like I may have been another nationality in a past life. I also wonder if my suicidal thoughts and anxiety comes from a past life too,
I believe they do, but people are free to believe it doesn't exist.

I don't feel that connected to my family's culture sometimes. I feel more in sync with other continents, so it's like I may have been another nationality in a past life. I also wonder if my suicidal thoughts and anxiety comes from a past life too,
Point 1) Not believing in something does not make it go away or lose any of its validity.

Point 2) I believe that the more highly evolved a soul becomes, the more it moves about from one culture and civilisation to another, as this enriches its field of vision. And yes, it is quite likely that you have brought your anxieties and the suicidal thoughts into your present lifetime from a previous one, maybe many, in the hope of finding a resolution for them at last and through this healing. All the best for your quest.


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Point 1) Not believing in something does not make it go away or lose any of its validity.

Point 2) I believe that the more highly evolved a soul becomes, the more it moves about from one culture and civilisation to another, as this enriches its field of vision. And yes, it is quite likely that you have brought your anxieties and the suicidal thoughts into your present lifetime from a previous one, maybe many, in the hope of finding a resolution for them at last and through this healing. All the best for your quest.

My friend and I talked about a past life reading. Has anyone done those?

Human Ex Machinae

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Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Interesting to contemplate, like wondering if free will is real or illusory, but ultimately completely irrelevant to our daily existence. I've got my hands full with the life I'm trying to get through right now.


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Nobody knows, and nobody will ever know... But we are free to believe what we like. That's the beauty of faith!

What I don't like is the way that religion (notably Christianity) kind of forces you to believe that there is definitely another life after this one, and that you are judged on this life. I find that really disturbing, especially telling that to young children who will believe everything you tell them.

I used to be very afraid of 'Gods judgement' as a child and it would affect my decision making because I genuinely believed someone was watching and judging my every move. Since learning about atheism I can see it clear as day, religion is just a form of control, and in a way could be considered abusive.


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I do believe in reincarnation. Whether we live as another human being again or another life form.

I don't remember clearly how it went but there's this korean drama show where it said, that we are given 4 lives before we are completely gone.

The first life we have dictates how our remaining three lives will be like. It's like you reap what you sow, however you lived your life, your next life will have to deal with the karma from your past life as if repenting/paying for what you did in the past and try to be good and do good so your future lives will be better.

The thing is, we don't know which life are we living now, 2nd or the last life... and that once we're reborn we no longer have a memory of our past life but we still carry the consequences of the past.

And what's frightening is that we are probably with the people that we have met or lived with in our past lives, it's just that none of us remembers.


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Nobody knows, and nobody will ever know... But we are free to believe what we like. That's the beauty of faith!

What I don't like is the way that religion (notably Christianity) kind of forces you to believe that there is definitely another life after this one, and that you are judged on this life. I find that really disturbing, especially telling that to young children who will believe everything you tell them.

I used to be very afraid of 'Gods judgement' as a child and it would affect my decision making because I genuinely believed someone was watching and judging my every move. Since learning about atheism I can see it clear as day, religion is just a form of control, and in a way could be considered abusive.
Me t00 - I was terrified! Every thunderstorm I was sure was judgment day.

I can finally enjoy a good thunderstorm with no fear.

And yes, I believe in past and future lives, and in reincarnation. A friend of mine remembered his past life and his death at a young age (he was a monk!). I've also heard many stories of people's past life regressions.


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Sometimes I wonder if past lives really exist.
I don't know any way we can be sure

I feel like the reason why I'm having trouble in this life is because I might have done something wrong in a previous life.
If reincarnation is a fact, then we have had many many lives in which we've been less than perfect, so I'm glad I don't remember any of them!
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I believe that each time we enter into the spirit world we leave behind our earthly personality with its multitude of airs and graces, foibles and shortcomings, ranks and degrees. This personality is picked up and continued each time we enter into another lifetime. The memories of all experiences of our past ones and the learning we were able to gain from them are stored in our soul. Our strengths and weaknesses, the thinking and behaviour patterns we have developed thus far, as well as our karmic debts accompany us.

From the first breath we take in each new lifetime they are affecting us from the subconscious level of our being. But for the wise higher reason of protecting us against ourselves, for a long time they have to remain hidden from the view of our earthly self. If during the early stages of our earthly education we knew what we sometimes got up to in previous lifetimes, we would be unable to live with ourselves. With this wise arrangement, however, our soul memories are ready and available to us straight away to help or hinder our pathway, as the case may be.

And because the law of life is love and evolution, each new earthly sojourn offers many opportunities for becoming a better person and making progress on the evolutionary spiral. We are granted the gift of each new lifetime to transform our weaknesses into strengths, to make good where we once sinned and in this way redeem some of our karmic debts.
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