Does anyone want to get saved and get help from the Lord?

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I am a Baptist Christian who believes that the King James Bible is the Word of God. I would love to have the opportunity to show you how you can know for sure that you will go to heaven when you die. And how being saved can bring meaning to your life. If you are not interested, please don't post to insult my beliefs. I just want to offer the plan of salvation to those who are interested. Hope to hear from you who are searching for something more in life. Thanks for reading.


I was saved back in June. Sometimes though I still like to drive the car of my life. Usually though, I let Him drive.


Well like I said, I tend to sometimes try and still control my own life, and I have to remember to turn it over to Him completely.

I suffer from situational depression. So when something happens, I tend to get depressed and overreact etc.

But around the time I was saved, God sent me a wonderful woman that helped me to feel love again. (Prior to that all I felt and wanted to feel was pain and despair).

Then when He felt my heart was suffeciently repaired, He brought my wife and kids back into my life.

Things have been going really well for the most part. I have a lot going on and I owe it all to Him.

Today wasnt a good day, but funny, in discussing this with you, I am feeling a lot better.
well i am glad you are feeling better. reflecting on salvation and how God has blessed usually cheers you up a bit. i hope to hear from someone on here who needs to be saved.


Well-Known Member
I'm 52 years old. I've been studying the Bible for over 30 years. I got saved when I was 16. Irregardless, I've been depressed all of my life. I raised a mentally ill child with raging behavior and that made me worse.

I now give everything to God. He is my life project manager. Today, I have disability to pay for my needs and I have the medical care.

Some days are better than most, but through it all I'm glad I'm a friend of God.


Staff Alumni
NO! And proselytizing here is no different than knocking on peoples doors to do it. Everything after your first sentence is crossing the line.

Everyone pretty much knows where they can go to search out religion and SF is not it.


Chat Buddy
Maybe we should have a section on SF for religion where people aren't allowed to get angry at people about religion and can choose not to go if they don't want to?


Chat & Forum Buddy
Oh yes, I am looking for something. Something more. I want to be saved-I certainly do. I want my life to have meaning and most importantly I want the comfort and reassurance the religion provides for so many others here. Why is it then that I just can’t believe in a god? I have heard that god is merciful, kind and loves me, I have heard that he wants me to be saved but if god created me and wanted me to be saved why did he make me so sceptical and doubt his existence? I have been told that this is a test. But if this is a test then why is god giving me a test that he; the all knowing and all seeing; knows that I will fail. I have been told that this test of faith isn’t for god – god already knows the outcome – but is for me: god wants me to know. Yes, I know now, I do not have faith, but why? Why does god want me to know that I do not believe-when knowing this will not solve the problem of my believing and will not bring me closer to god.

I desperately want to find god, I just wish that I could. Please, if you have the answers or want to talk more pm me.



Antiquities Friend
Your post has just made me feel much worse, which is hard considering I hate life at the present - it does not belong here...Let me be depressed in peace thank you


Well-Known Member
Not insulting your religion or faith, even though alot of baptists are posting all of a sudden.. hmm... but I was saved and it had nothing whatsoever to do with any religion, so there are other alternative methods, just to let everyone know that religion isn't the ONLY option.
As I said, nothing against you or your belief.


Well-Known Member
Please stop making these threads. I appreciate that you want to help people but this isn't the right way to do so.

There are other ways to support people. This isn't really appropriate.


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
You can obviously see from the title what the thread is about. If it is not something you're interested in just don't click it. Obviously there were a couple people who were sincerely interested... and there are many different paths people take to get better/cope with having depression.
You know what, I have to admit I would love to be saved, I would love to find God. But I have never been able to and God has never come to me, so I am instead an agnostic, a pessimist and a cynic.
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