Don't let one moment decide your fate

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Ive been thinking today, most of it spurred by a friend who committed suicide when i was in high school and i decided to post here regarding what was on my mind. I do not believe someone should ever kill themselves over a singular event, such as bad news, lost job, lost relationship or missed opportunity. Things like the aforementioned come to pass. For all the jobs lost, more exist. For all the bad news, there is more than likely some good coming your way. And missing opportunities? This occurs all the time, to everyone, sometimes without us knowing so. My point is not that life will get better. That is a banal statement people say to you when they run out of words. It may or may not get better, neither of us know for sure. But what i do know, is that things life is a compilation of moments, so to kill yourself because of ONE moment in sacrifice of all the previous and future ones, is a loss, just by virtue of quantity. Even if all of these things occurred more than once and summed up to a collage of disappointment, you must still remember they are instances in your life, and do not dictate what will happen in the future.
Stay strong everyone


Well-Known Member
Hi Bashik, Thank you for your excellent post. You're right too about opportunities presenting themselves. It's like mining for silver but finding gold or looking for a quarter but finding a one hundred dollar bill instead. If you hold on and keep going, you will most certainly find something better. Thank you for reminding us of this with your hopeful message. Husky.
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