Falling down


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I've fallen 3 times today. I'm 62 and female. Twice outside in the snow and ice, and once in my living room... Now granted that its snowing and the sidewalks are very slippery, I was wearing yaktraks so I wouldn't slip and I did anyway. Both times my sweet dog stood over me and licked my face. I have a hard time getting up- the only way I can do it is by getting on my hands and knees. But I got up and I'm not hurt.

I also fell when I was moving a piece of furniture and I stumbled. I landed on my left hand index finger and it really hurt. Iced it for a while but because I can bend it, I don't think ts broken. Just bruised.

I feel like a klutz. I've always been a klutz but now I feel like its something built into my life. Both men and women do fall more often as we age. Four years ago I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle. It was quite painful and inconvenient, especially since I have nobody to take care of me.

Desperate to work on my balance I started going to yoga 2 years ago. My balance is better, but its nothing like some of the other people in my class. I don't know if I'll ever get there.

Last week I bought a bicycle. This is more of my plan to get fit and improve my balance. When I was buying the bike the salesman had to talk me into taking it for a spin. I did ride around the parking lot. I honestly don't think I've been on a bicycle in over 40 years! You don't forget, but I still had to really focus to stay balanced. I invested in a helmet and comfortable seat. There is a little voice in me that says "What if I can't do this?" "What if I fall?" I mean, if I fall I will get back up, but I hope it doesn't happen much because I really feel worn out by the falls today.

Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?



To Wish Impossible Things
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I've always been really accident prone since I was small and am forever falling over. My mother used to say I had the grace of an elephant.
It's got worse as I've got older (I'm 49 now) and I guess we take longer now to recover from any injuries.

I hope you're not too sore tomorrow *hug


SF Supporter
thanks sunspots

I've never been athletic and always felt like a klutz. Its hard to know whats normal because most people don't talk about accidents. A couple of years ago I opened my car door into my face and ended up with a colorful black eye. It lasted over a week. I'm sure people at work must have thought I had a mean boyfriend in my life. But no boyfriend, I do this to myself.

I stayed home from a social event tonight, figuring I shouldn't take any unnecessary risks.
My left hand is throbbing. After the last dog walk I'm going to go to bed and keep an ice pack on it.



Keep on keeping on.
Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?

I would suggest an electric bike. I discovered I ride longer and more often. With peddle assist you still need to peddle, but you do not need to pump real hard on the hills. Easier on the hills. Also helps when starting from a stop. Less wobble.


SF Supporter
Oops, I just bought a non-electric bike.
I had a friend who bought an electric bike and she had a lot of problems with it.

The area I live in and plan to cycle in is pretty flat, so I won't be tackling hills on a regular basis.

The bike shop told me that the one I bought can be returned or exchanged or traded in at any time if its not right for me. There's snow on the ground right now, so I won't be testing it until spring.

I do see people riding bikes and jogging in the ultra cold weather and I am amazed. Some people commute to work on their bikes. I admire them for it, but I doubt I'll be doing the same. Just trying to get a little more exercise and enjoy my city, which has great bicycle paths.


Has a frog in the family
Safety & Support
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Either a lot of fun or a lot of falls!
or a lot of both lol I had fallen a few times about 15 years ago my doctor insisted I try a cane and walker. I use the cane and yes we become more unbalanced as we age i'm 61 and it takes longer to heal. I hope you do gain more balance and fall a lot less. I hope you can find a riding buddy it's more fun that way. mike *hug


SF Supporter
Thanks mike

I got trekking poles last year. Kind of like having 2 canes. I know an older lady from the dog park who uses them. Funny thing is, all kinds of hikers (including the young and strong) use them. At first I thought they would be a pain but using them is like having 4 legs instead of 2. Which is why my dog never falls!

Problem is I can't hold on to the dogs leash and have the poles in hand at the same time. He's always hunting for squirrels.

I hope I meet some new friends on the bike path.



Well-Known Member
I’m 48 (49 next month), and in December I had 3 major falls. The first two were only two days apart! I’m on Warfarin because I have an artificial valve in my heart, and because I’m on that the bruising was quite excessive. Approx 70% of my left leg ended up bruised, and I was confined to my stomach for 3 solid weeks. When I was finally able to stay on my feet I started taking my dog back to the dog park. I ended up falling there because my leg still wasn’t fully cooperative. I ended up bruising my right rotator cuff and a couple of muscles as a result of that fall.

While all the falls were legit and not because of any personal balance issues it’s still left me wondering what the crap all that was. I have been athletic my entire life, so I have sustained a lot of injuries over the years, but this was by far the worst injury I have ever had.

I’m sharing a couple pics of the bruising, but keep in mind the pics were taken approximately three days before the bruising maxed out. I didn’t have anyone who could take the pic when it maxed out that’s why I can’t share that.

Falling sucks, and I’m really sorry you’re having a tough go of it with that. I encourage you to keep up the great work you’re doing. Progress may be slow, but it’s still progress nonetheless. All the best to you!


Good gracious, your bruises cover more area than I've ever seen. I hope you can ease from this.

I cannot be trusted to walk across the room without falling down. It's embarrassing and frightening. I have realized that I have become my grandmother.


SF Supporter
I've fallen 3 times today. I'm 62 and female. Twice outside in the snow and ice, and once in my living room... Now granted that its snowing and the sidewalks are very slippery, I was wearing yaktraks so I wouldn't slip and I did anyway. Both times my sweet dog stood over me and licked my face. I have a hard time getting up- the only way I can do it is by getting on my hands and knees. But I got up and I'm not hurt.

I also fell when I was moving a piece of furniture and I stumbled. I landed on my left hand index finger and it really hurt. Iced it for a while but because I can bend it, I don't think ts broken. Just bruised.

I feel like a klutz. I've always been a klutz but now I feel like its something built into my life. Both men and women do fall more often as we age. Four years ago I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle. It was quite painful and inconvenient, especially since I have nobody to take care of me.

Desperate to work on my balance I started going to yoga 2 years ago. My balance is better, but its nothing like some of the other people in my class. I don't know if I'll ever get there.

Last week I bought a bicycle. This is more of my plan to get fit and improve my balance. When I was buying the bike the salesman had to talk me into taking it for a spin. I did ride around the parking lot. I honestly don't think I've been on a bicycle in over 40 years! You don't forget, but I still had to really focus to stay balanced. I invested in a helmet and comfortable seat. There is a little voice in me that says "What if I can't do this?" "What if I fall?" I mean, if I fall I will get back up, but I hope it doesn't happen much because I really feel worn out by the falls today.

Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?

I have fallen many times. It is terrifying. I take a few gym classes that should help balance but they really don't - at least for me' so I try to walk very mindfully. I am older than you and live alone so I think a lot about being injured and helpless. I have a friend or former friend who fell last month and joked about acting like me. It bordered on ridicule and I dont think I can ever forgive her.


SF Supporter
Walking mindfully... I like that. We are in the midst of bad winter weather here, lots of ice. I have my yaktraks on my boots, but this morning I fell on a patch of ice. I've realized that these help on some surfaces but almost make it worse on others. I realize that I could have slipped on this patch of ice today even if I were forty years younger. But all we can do its be as careful as we can.

I do think that yoga is helping me with better balance and I hope that riding a bike will also. But it takes a long time and consistency to make an improvement.

I am older than you and live alone so I think a lot about being injured and helpless. I have a friend or former friend who fell last month and joked about acting like me. It bordered on ridicule and I dont think I can ever forgive her.
I don't think its funny to make fun of someone for falling. There's a commercial on TV where an older woman falls down a flight of stairs and calls for help, but she's alone. It breaks my heart every time.

There's nothing worse than being injured and helpless. When I broke my ankle I was lying on the ground for a few minutes in great pain. I still remember a jogger going past me without stopping and cars driving by. Nobody stopped to help me. Finally I got up and hobbled half a block home. People can be so wrapped up in their own worlds.


SF Supporter
I've fallen 3 times today. I'm 62 and female. Twice outside in the snow and ice, and once in my living room... Now granted that its snowing and the sidewalks are very slippery, I was wearing yaktraks so I wouldn't slip and I did anyway. Both times my sweet dog stood over me and licked my face. I have a hard time getting up- the only way I can do it is by getting on my hands and knees. But I got up and I'm not hurt.

I also fell when I was moving a piece of furniture and I stumbled. I landed on my left hand index finger and it really hurt. Iced it for a while but because I can bend it, I don't think ts broken. Just bruised.

I feel like a klutz. I've always been a klutz but now I feel like its something built into my life. Both men and women do fall more often as we age. Four years ago I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle. It was quite painful and inconvenient, especially since I have nobody to take care of me.

Desperate to work on my balance I started going to yoga 2 years ago. My balance is better, but its nothing like some of the other people in my class. I don't know if I'll ever get there.

Last week I bought a bicycle. This is more of my plan to get fit and improve my balance. When I was buying the bike the salesman had to talk me into taking it for a spin. I did ride around the parking lot. I honestly don't think I've been on a bicycle in over 40 years! You don't forget, but I still had to really focus to stay balanced. I invested in a helmet and comfortable seat. There is a little voice in me that says "What if I can't do this?" "What if I fall?" I mean, if I fall I will get back up, but I hope it doesn't happen much because I really feel worn out by the falls today.

Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?

from one klutz to another, I know exactly how you feel.


Well-Known Member
I've fallen 3 times today. I'm 62 and female. Twice outside in the snow and ice, and once in my living room... Now granted that its snowing and the sidewalks are very slippery, I was wearing yaktraks so I wouldn't slip and I did anyway. Both times my sweet dog stood over me and licked my face. I have a hard time getting up- the only way I can do it is by getting on my hands and knees. But I got up and I'm not hurt.

Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?

Alice, I hope you are doing well.

I just saw this post from 2019, and thought I'd just toss out some info that may be helpful. As a have said in other posts, I have spent a couple of weeks as a physical therapist before an injury, and balance deficits in seniors is always an issue to check out. All of us have three components which are our vision, fluid in our ears, and what we feel in joints and muscles (proprioception). There actually may be four - what's between our ears, because fear causes us to be protective, and our balance can go downhill faster.

Vision - we are more cautious when walking in the dark.
Ear Fluid - the body can change position, but the fluid flow may be slow like pouring molasses.
Proprioception - Feeling your body, like not feeling pressure on you feet when standing because your feet are numb.



Ninja of light
I've fallen 3 times today. I'm 62 and female. Twice outside in the snow and ice, and once in my living room... Now granted that its snowing and the sidewalks are very slippery, I was wearing yaktraks so I wouldn't slip and I did anyway. Both times my sweet dog stood over me and licked my face. I have a hard time getting up- the only way I can do it is by getting on my hands and knees. But I got up and I'm not hurt.

I also fell when I was moving a piece of furniture and I stumbled. I landed on my left hand index finger and it really hurt. Iced it for a while but because I can bend it, I don't think ts broken. Just bruised.

I feel like a klutz. I've always been a klutz but now I feel like its something built into my life. Both men and women do fall more often as we age. Four years ago I slipped on the ice and broke my ankle. It was quite painful and inconvenient, especially since I have nobody to take care of me.

Desperate to work on my balance I started going to yoga 2 years ago. My balance is better, but its nothing like some of the other people in my class. I don't know if I'll ever get there.

Last week I bought a bicycle. This is more of my plan to get fit and improve my balance. When I was buying the bike the salesman had to talk me into taking it for a spin. I did ride around the parking lot. I honestly don't think I've been on a bicycle in over 40 years! You don't forget, but I still had to really focus to stay balanced. I invested in a helmet and comfortable seat. There is a little voice in me that says "What if I can't do this?" "What if I fall?" I mean, if I fall I will get back up, but I hope it doesn't happen much because I really feel worn out by the falls today.

Anyone else having falls or losing their balance?

Have you been tested for vertigo?

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