Feeling worse

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Well-Known Member
My mom yelled at me again and refused to take me to my surgery. Plus many hurtful things. Maybe I am just crazy and will be alone in this world.


Life is what u make of it
I am very sorry to hear that. I know that hurt your feelings alot. What kind of surgery are you needing done? Is there anyone else that can maybe give you a ride?


Life is what u make of it
Not sure where u live but do y'all have Uber drivers there or taxi it sounds serious we can figure this out it's gonna be okay be strong! I am sure your mom it's just having a moment and it will pass. Just give her alittle time I am sure she will take you. I am so sorry you are having to deal with such stress before a major surgery.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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((hugs)) to you , sorry for the circumstance you find yourself in, I hope things improve, keep talking to us it might help.
Hi Myanessa - I am so sorry to hear that you face tough surgery - is your mum maybe frightened herself about it? Can you call your doctor and explain. Here in the Uk they could send a hospital car / ambulance out to get you. Sending you huge hugs xxxx
So sorry for your situation. I agree that your mom may be struggling with the fact of the surgery. Communicating with the hospital or surgeons office may provide you some insight as to means to arrive for the surgery. Also, checking in with your local community resources, they may have an idea to offer.
Take a breathe and let it out. Don't loose heart, reach out to others.
Blessings of comfort and peace to you.


Well-Known Member
No it’s out of state and I need my mom. I’m feeling very hurt and sad tonight. Like it doesn’t matter because I may die anyway


Well-Known Member
OK. I get it. If I were you, I would ask her to sit down and chat. I would "leave aside" - just for the time being - all the outrageous things she said to you and would tell her that this is NOT the moment to argue, that this is serious, and that YOU NEED HER. You can tell her that NOW there's a human being in danger and it's HER daughter. Tell her you'll have plenty of time to settle everythimg after you get over this. It's nothing but the truth. Sometimes pride makes discussions escalate. There's a tactic used in Systemic Psichology called 'one down' and is used to de-escalate a conflict. It's not losing face or giving in, it's appealing to REASON instead of feelings here. The enemy is the illness, not either of you!


Life is what u make of it
Just checking on ya to see if you were able to get a ride to ur surgery! I hope today was a better day for you! Hang in there!


Well-Known Member
Things are better with my mom. She will take me. I’m so terrified. Everyday closer rises my anxiety. This will be the most major surgery I’ve had.


Life is what u make of it
Yay so glad you have a ride! I will say a prayer for you tonight! Don't be scared it's gonna be okay you have good watching over you! Take some deep breaths. We are always here for you! Let us know how your surgery goes!
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