friend's friend

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Well-Known Member
i'm talking to my best friend on the phone and she's tlking to her ex-boyfriend online (who we know has problems) he's basically contemplating suicide because he thinks people would be better of without him. I'm telling my friend what to say a little. but we don't know where he lives (i told her if he makes an actual attempt we have to call the police which is when i found out we have no address.) his friend who lives near-by isnt answering his phone.... soo we have a problem and i don't know what to do. i've never really met him so i don't know how serious he is about this. im very worried and i dont want something to happen to him. i dont know if its emotional black mail or if its serious... really worried.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
well if you have his phone number then can trace it back to where he is calling from you know his name call 911 let them know what area he lives in they can get his adresse


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply, was about to start leaving to go to my local police station - or something. But his girlfriend is round so he can't do anything. Somewhat relieved but I think he's attention seeking ¬.¬ but then I can't be sure so, just happy he's okay!:smile:
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