Gonna Try and Focus on Myself

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Well-Known Member
As much as I don't want to, I think I'm going to take a break from school for a little while. It'll be hard and I'll miss everything there, but I think I need to take care of my mental health first. It's really affecting the way I work and go to school. I don't want to flunk out because I can't get a grip on myself. So I think I'll stay with my parents for a while and get some treatment before I try to go to school again. I'm just hoping this is a good decision that will benefit me in the long run because I'm tired of not wanting to get up for classes or not being able to focus because I'm depressed. It's tough for me because I feel like I'm giving up but I know I'll be back once I get the treatment I need. And hopefully when I do go back I'll be ready to take on school. :)


Well-Known Member
Best wishes, sounds like you've thought this out carefully. Have you considered explaining all this to school so that they can offer back up when you return?
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