Hello everyone

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Hello everyone. I have been touched y suicide since I was a child. My father committed suicide, and I have struggled with the thought since I was a teenager. <mod edit>. Now I have been free free m suicidal ideation for years now. That doesn’t mean that my life has been a bed or roses. I have struggled with drug addiction and mental illness.

The reason I have signed up is two fold. One to offer support. The other reason is to get a greater insight int the suicidal mind set. I’m in the beginning stages of a philosophy paper that offers a solution to mental suffering.
My premise is that in the end there is no escape from suffering. But there are ways we can act and perceive the world where one can experience peace and joy along side suffering. And I find this idea infinitely empowering.
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woman overboard
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Hi there, welcome to SF!

My premise is that in the end there is no escape from suffering. But there are ways we can act and perceive the world where one can experience peace and joy along side suffering. And I find this idea infinitely empowering.
I think this is a really good goal. Life will never be everything we want or need it to be, but there's some balance to be found.

Were all together

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Welcome, I'm sorry about your father. And, your past mental health issues. I'm glad you're offering support. However, I'm concerned that you may be looking at the people here as "test subjects"? Is your support sincere, or is it a base to use for your paper? Everyone deals with thier issues in thier own ways. And, unfortunatly there are some who cannot change for the better. What we try to do here, is offer a small bit of support. We don't judge. We try and make it a "safe place" where they can come and talk among others in the same situation, or emotional state. I don't think coming here to do a philosophy paper is a good idea. Maybe, a paper about your own personal experiences will suit you better.
I certainly do not look at the people on this forum as test subjects. I’m writing this paper to help elevate suffering(if I can). And it is my intention to offer direct support to the suffering.

For example in my short time on this forum I have seen issues of isolation and powerlessness pop up again and again. This tells me that the people struggling need a way to be empowered and break down barriers to a communion of persons. This is also something I struggled with when I was ill.

But let’s put that aside.

My motivations are a simple as this: I would like to offer support to the suffering in any way I can and learn as much about the subject matter as is can.


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Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your father also. My mother was a suicide so I feel for you in that same respect. It's not really a club to which one wants to belong.
I am a bit late to this thread but wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum.
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