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Hello, my name's Elon and I am an 18 year old boy. I wouldn't consider myself very suicidal, yet I think I really need some help, and for a reason that would take to long to explain, I cannot yet seek any professional help. I will try to elaborate in a further post in the "crisis forum".
As horrible as it sounds, I think the reason I joined is to see if there were others who felt like me, perhaps a forum where I could fit in, and if this is a far too superficial reason, please tell me!


Well-Known Member
Hi Elon, Welcome
altough the name of the site is suicideforum i do believe there are enough people here who do not have suicidal thoughts or do not have them anymore but still are strugling with problems.you will most likely be able to find some soulmates in here.
good luck and looking forward to hear your story


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Hi Elon, welcome.
Your reason for joining doesn't sound horrible, we're all here for the same reasons, I hope you feel that you do fit in :hug:
:welcome: to the forum Elon. Your reason for being here is much like many of our members. I am glad you found us and chose to join. Keep posting. :hug:
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