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Hi. I just joined and i'm not usually good at making a first post, but here goes...

I've been a bit suicidal for about 2-4 years now. I was reading some of the stickied posts in the General Disorders Forum and now It seems I'm an HSP. I think I have OCD but I recently heard about OCP, and i'm not sure which one I have.

What seems to be, the weirdest thing about me is that, my hands (and sometimes the rest of my body) always feel annoyingly warm, and whenever this happens I have to put my hands on something cold or preferably wash them. And at the same time I have a bunch of things I hate to touch, Cardboard, Napkins, drywall, paper, ect...

So to end this post whenever I feel depressed or anything like that i'll come here....

I hope I didn't give out more information then needed on a first post....


Staff Alumni
first off :welcome: to sf. it is a good place to come and vent. look around and talk to ppl and you will soon have friends here. feel free to pm or talk to me n msn.
take care
AnotherBrickintheWall, lucky for you that your name is not 'set the control for the heart of the sun'...:biggrin:

banks42, I hope this space provides you with thoughts, inspiration and insights. I certainly take great comfort of being here, to what end is still an unanswered sail out there in the wind...

The symptoms you describe are indeed very likely related to OCD behaviour, which dictates the sufferer to carry out tasks (or rituals) to counteract events.Repeated hand washing and cleaning seems to be a prevalent feature.

OCD is typically treated with behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, medications, or combination of the three. I recommend going to your GP and describe your symptoms. By nature, the longer you let those habit-forming behaviour pattern continue, the harder it is to 'unlearn' them later. So, I guess there's no better time to start dealing with it then now. Make an appointment ASAP and you will have started addressing a manageable condition.

:welcome: to our forum You did a great job with your first post. Feel free to come and post anytime you feel the need. We ae here to provide support to each other. :hug:
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