Hobby Hunting!

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Well-Known Member
Stamp collecting! :laugh: no, not really...I don't know what you are into so I dunno!

Musical instruments are fun, though I'm not sure that counts as a hobby...:unsure:


Well-Known Member
I do a lot of things in the outdoors such as climbing, caving etc. It gets me out of the house, keeps me physically fit and gets me to some really nice places usually far away from the crowds. Don't know how active a hobby you want but if you fancy any of that kind of stuff pm me and I can give you some good ideas about getting into it. You'd be welcome to meet up with me in the hills anytime. Hope you find something that suits.:smile:


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Writing, reading, butterflies (other bugs), gourmet cooking, traveling, photography, drawing, special area of history, pottery, glass blowing, scrapbooking, hiking, seashells, flower arranging, lion taming, shark hunting, Elvis memorabilia (omg!)...

(Oooops. Too many possibilities come to MY mind - methinks I've been unemployed for too long - lol!)
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