How Are You Feeling Right Now?

I am so sorry for what you're going through...and that you have to miss that you want to talk more? We can private talk, or here...whatever you're more comfortable with. *sadhug
I get what it's like to be in SO MUCH pain and have no one notice it on top of that..not even wanting them's extra painful...or when they don't seem to care... I care... *hug Since I understand.
yes can we private talk? i cant seem to get enough of talking to people... i am in sooooo much PAIN!
Bored and I feel guilty. I am self quarantined and have run out of work ( I'm trying to work from home). So I feel guilty for doing other things around the house but there is nothing else to do.


Has a frog in the family
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i feel like i'm in distress. i'm ok right now, but yet very anxious.
i have to stay home for at least the next couple weeks, i just don't
know how long i'm gonna be ok.
sorry i'm late. i know not going out is stressful but you aren't alone. you have a lot of friends right here to talk to. inbox me anytime you need to talk about these issues...mike...*hug

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